Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What Food Types to Avoid When Losing Weight

There are a lot of people today who want to have a slim body. Because of the kind of lifestyle that most people adapt today, the number of people who are becoming overweight is dramatically increasing.

Many people adapt weight loss programs but they sometimes find it rather ineffective. So, what could they be doing wrong in the process of losing weight? The frustrations grow as time passes by. The goal sinks farther away from your reach when you reach to appoint where the physical activities become exhausting and the food that you seem to lose its taste.

There are even times that weight loss is not achieved for a very long time which discourages the person and make him or her abandon the fruitless struggle. This will eventually lead him or her not to care anymore about losing weight and gaining a healthy body.

Now, this might be felt by most people but you should not feel disheartened about the sudden halt in losing weight. You definitely should think positively and motivate yourself to go on with your struggle because it will surely bear fruits in the end.

The first thing that you have to keep in mind is the foods that you should be avoiding when you want your weight reduction plan to give you positive results.

·         Margarine – This is basically one of the unhealthiest foods that people love to eat. They are basically used as spreads in bread and they are also used for cooking foods. This type of food may have a good taste but this will also give you a great amount of fat deposits in your body. It also has trans-fat which is unhealthy for your body. When you intend to cut on excess fats then you might as well consider avoid margarine in your diet.

·         Peanut Butter – This is just fine when taken in moderation. However, when you take excessive peanut butter amounts then you might as well cancel your goals of losing weight. It will provide you with energy but when taken excessively, the excess will merely be accumulated as fat deposits in your body.

·         Donuts – This type of food must be eaten sparingly. This does not have any calories and they only contain sugar and fats. If you want to lose weight then might as well consider eating them as a treat than a meal.

These are some of the foods that need to be avoided when you intend to lose weight. You know about the others such as chocolates, ice cream, and sweets. Avoid the skin and fatty parts of pork, beef, and chicken as they are packed with bad cholesterol. If you want to lose weight, you should learn to pick out the bad food from good food and stick with the latter.


  1. As we grow older, more and more delicious foods are being created. With the old recipes, food is irresistible. How much more with the new recipes? Because of this fact, a lot more people are becoming overweight.

    Some people who get conscious of their weight go through weight loss programs. But they sometimes find it ineffective because weight loss is not achieved for a very long time. As time passes by, they get more frustrated and discouraged that they end their goal of weight loss and healthy lifestyle. But one should not feel disheartened because someday soon his hardwork will bear much fruit, making the entire struggle worth it.

    While waiting though, one should avoid eating chocolates, ice cream, and sweets. Yes, they taste delicious. But in order to reach your goal, a little sacrifice on one’s part is needed. One should also avoid the skin and fatty parts of pork, beef, and chicken as they are packed with bad cholesterol.

    Margarine, peanut butter and donuts should also be avoided. Margarines contain trans-fat which is unhealthy for you and will give you a great amount of fat deposits, while peanut butter, when taken excessively, will only accumulate fat deposits in your body. But if you take it in moderation, then you there is no problem with eating it. Donuts must be eaten sparingly because a friend once told me that one donut equals five hours in the gym. They do not have calories but only contain sugar and fats, might as well consider eating donuts as a treat rather than a meal.

    Like an article that I have read before, it takes commitment and discipline to be able to reach the goal of weight loss. One should learn to pick good and nutritious food instead of the bad ones. A little sacrifice now is all it takes to have huge payoffs in the future.

  2. I agree with this article because it states some fact about people’s attitude when they try to lose their weight.Some people are lack of discipline and motivation.That is why they just let theirselves gain more weight.I believe that to reach a certain goal,one should think positively and don’t let temptations like laziness to win over their system.In losing the extra weight,one should have ideas on what foods to avoid and be taken in moderation.
    Some these foods are sweet and most loved to eat.Margarines have trans-fat and can build up more fats in the body.Peanut butters gives energy but it also contribute in increasing the body fats.It is good if one should take this moderately.Donuts don’t have calories but some of its ingredients contain fats.Avoid also the skins of any meat because it is where bad calories are found.To win the goal of losing weight, always be wise and knowledgeable in picking the right foods.


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