Wednesday, September 22, 2010

4 Simple Rules in Finding the Quickest Way to Lose Weight

If you want to lose weight quickly, nothing can stop you. However, there are some quick weight-losing methods that are not effective for everyone. For example, weight reduction pills may be beneficial for one person but not for you. The reason is every person’s metabolism may be different. The supplements other people are taking may react well with their bodies, but not with yours.

Liposuction is also a quick and easy way to get rid of all those excess fat. However, not everyone is ideal for the procedure. Some surgeons would not allow you to undergo liposuction unless you are on a near-normal BMI (body mass index). Also, some clients with medical conditions like heart problems, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and others may be discouraged to take such surgical procedure.

Therefore, the safest and quickest way to lose weight is to follow some rules that need some commitment and discipline on your part.

First rule: You need to eat five meals in a day. Sounds simple right? This is a usual rule in weight reduction because eating three nutritious meals and two light snacks in a day prevents you from going hungry and craving for burgers and fries. Make sure to consult your dietician for a diet suitable for you.

Second Rule: Eating is not enough to solve the problem! You’ll need to visit the gym to exercise too. If you can’t visit a gym, try to jog around your house daily. Get advice from a trainer to help you out.

Third rule: Drink a lot of fluids. You’re metabolizing your fat and this causes release of wastes and toxins. Drinking lots of fluid to help flush out these dirty toxins put of your body. An ideal eight to ten glasses of water daily is advised. 

Fourth Rule: You don’t need to do this alone. Get some friends to diet and exercise along with you. Also, professional advice is welcome. 

These are very simple rules you can use to help you lose weight quick and staying on the healthy side at the same time. 


  1. Lesser number attracts more people that's why I got my interest locked into this one. FOUR RULES?! IN WEIGHT REDUCTION? You must be joking around. But yes, my eyes were right. Only 4 very simple, quick and easy rules on how to lose weight. When I read Rule 1, I was "Really? Why so many?". But the I recalled from my past readings, eating morsel is better than eating only three times like a king. Rule 2: I will never thin down if I myself would not encourage my very self to move and be physical like what Olivia Newton-John stresses out in her song Let's Get Physical. I oftentimes feel lazy walking towards school so when I see an empty taxi cab, with no second thoughts, I hop in and vwalaah! I'm at the school gate already. Rule 3: Fluids. "I pass this rule", I said to myself because I have always been a water addict since I got interest in losing weight. I'm like a water tank which never gets tired of storing water in the inside. When I fully read Rule 4, I always knew that I was never alone in wanting to weigh lesser. I got my friends, my family and other unfamiliar faces in the grounds sweating and striving to loss those bellies.

  2. Almost all of us will always want a healthy body and look great.But when the time we will gain so much weight and want to lose extra pounds in effective and quick manner.Liposuction will pop up in our minds first because the result is immediate.Not all is ideal and can afford this technique of losing and removing the fats.So some will just engage in exercise and in a balanced diet.
    First rule is to eat five meals a day because it will prevent our body to for more food.Second is to have a regular exercise because this will burn some fats and will help in making our body slimmer.Third is to drink a lot of healthy liquids to avoid dehydration.Lastly is to these rules with some family member or friends to make losing weight enjoyable and fun.These simple rules don’t require some money and can help in reducing weight in a quick manner.


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