Friday, February 3, 2012

3 Great Abdominal Exercises

One of the most thought of exercise by overweight people is abdominal exercise. The abdomen is usually the focus of attention when one is obese. Psychologically, if one thinks to get his waistline down, it may imply that his or her weight has gone down too (and this is usually true). This is probably why people tend to focus on their abdomen when doing exercises.

However, overweight individuals need a specialized form of abdominal exercise. They are especially designed for individuals who are having a hard time rising from the floor due to the weight. For this reason, it is ideal to have abdominal exercise from a sitting position.

The first method is the easiest sitting exercise. It’s best to use to get someone started on the regimen. If religiously done, it could keep you going until you lose that excess weight.

In order to do this, you need to sit on a chair. Making sure you don’t slouch, hold a pair of dumbbells across your chest. You need to hold one dumbbell for each hand. If this is too tough for you, you can hold something lighter, like canned soup.

Keep this position in place as you slowly tilt your body to the right. Keep both of your buttocks firmly planted on the chair. Get your upper torso back to center position and tilt your body to the left. Start with twelve repetitions for each side until you can work yourself up. Gradually increase your weights too.

The second great abdominal exercise I can recommend is to sit on a chair and slowly lean forward, as if you’re going to touch your toes. Make sure not to lunge abruptly forward. Slowly draw your body back to a straight, sitting position, and repeat the procedure until you feel your abdominal muscles tighten.

You can combine the 1st and 2nd abdominal exercise I provided for you. You can tilt your body to the right, back up, forward, back up, to the left, then back up again. Do the whole cycle 12 times and gradually increase as you build your stamina and strength.

The last exercise you can do is to lie down with your back to the floor. Bend one knee then straighten your leg. Raise that leg up and down 12 times. Do the same to the other leg for 12 times too. These help tone the lower stomach.

These are the three best abdominal exercises for overweight individuals. These will probably take a while to master, but with persistence and commitment, you’re on your way to losing that excess weight!


  1. and therefore, I believe that's true. I'm currently losing weight, but, my belly is still the same. I really can't figure out what to do :/ thanks btw, 'Yo Mama... :DD

  2. i can say that this article is most helpful to us women since this is the most common problem among us. it is really a big dilemma for women to have big bellies. men? i don't think so. they really don't care about how big their bellies are. we can testify it with our fathers. most of them really develop their bellies after getting married. i can say that i have been worried about my belly for i think a decade.. HAHAHA! i guess this article is the answer to all our problems, right Ms. Gabiana? and to all the SISTAHS out there!


  3. Yeah, I do notice that when you start gaining weight, it usually begins in the belly. That's why belly fats or the 'baby fats' are literally popular. Even people with normal BMI have these fats. It can actually lower your self esteem. So thanks at yo'mama for writing this article. This could be of great help for me :D. @yo'mama: I hope you could write an article on how to gain weight. I'm afraid I'm going down below normal.

  4. @ms buencaloloy: yeah, makin' use of the internet connection in IStore's fun!!! Tis so cooool!! :D

  5. yeah, big belly is now the latest way of naming sexy :) one of the most common problem teens especially girls experience is having a big belly. belly dancing, exercises like aerobics, zumba and etc are some of the ways that we try just to melt those irritating fats that show off everytime we where those sexy and body fit dresses. but in the article, additional ways have been posted by YoMama, thanks by the way. so yeah, maybe with those techniques in exercising your abdominal area and a healthy food diet, you're on the go. :D

    @Ms.Tan, Gabiana and Roferos: i agree with your posts. AND HEY, THIS IS SOOO FUN, taking advantage of the internet connection Istore,SM has given us. :P

  6. oh yes Ms.Roferos, enjoying much huh? hahahaa, not even realizing you're just behind me while posting that. :)))

  7. This is a really helpful article. Most of us, girls, are usually conscious of our bellies. Most us would want a flat stomach or belly. Having a bulging stomach can lower a person's self-esteem. As Ms. Roferos has said, even people with normal BMI can have a belly. The exercises in the article are really helpful and can be easily done. They are very simple. All you need to achieve a flat stomach is just to follow these exercises and perseverance, determination, and discipline :D

  8. Thanks Yo' Mama for sharing this article and I agree with all the people above that the problem of girls today are their bellies. Sometimes we men tend to get turn off if the belly is is big hahaha!! It is nice to have a slim body. To Ms. Tan, I think only few men are conscious about their bellies most especially those who are vain haha like the actors in hollywood and here in our country. I agree with Ms. Roferos about tips on how to gain weight. I want an article about how to gain weight!!!! haha..

  9. This article is very helpful to me. Thanks Yo Mama.

    I agree with you Ms. Tan. Everytime I look at myself, I get distracted with my belly and it frustrates me because I don't know what to do with it. I resorted myself to dieting before because I really thought that it would help me with my big belly. But my mom told me that I should do sit-ups instead because diet won't work if it's not partnered with exercise.

    these kind of exercises are difficult but it is really useful based on what i've heard.

  10. wow! thanks Yo Mama! this is such a nice article to read :)

    And I can greatly relate to this article! haha Just when I entered the "college life", I started to eat even though I'm full, causing me to gain weight, which is my ultimate goal. But then, I started to notice that my belly too increases in size! And I find it annoying! grrr! Great thing, I have read this article. I will really follow this 3 great abdominal exercises for my belly :) hahahaha

  11. yeah ms. casals. it ain't enough to starve yourself without doing exercise, coz our muscles won't have the opportunity to tighten, thus, the ultimate killer flabs. lol. sure, you might lose weight via dieting, but your skin would surely sag up because it lacks tone. only exercise could give you that fit, sexy vibe. i guess nature has a way of making things hard for us. but in the end, it's always worth it. :)

  12. Yo'mama thank you sooooo much for this wonderful article. My belly is one of biggest frustrations...I have so many "baby wormies", sorry for the term but I like that way hehehe. Kidding aside, it's really applicable. I mean, I guess can do it whenever we want to stretch our body (except for the dumbbell and lying part) especially when our butt and back is sore due to sitting for a long time. Maybe it will be sore at first, but if we would be able to get used to the it...the go go go!

    to Ms. Tan, Ms. Casals and Ms. Gabiana: I'm with you guys! Whenever I watch myself in front of a mirror, it really makes me say "oh-oh this is not good :(((". On the other side, maybe this article can be one of the answers to our problem right? It can be done easily...if you guys want, we can do this stuff together if we have time. ^_-

  13. @Mr. Sabay: yah! i observe too. and the only advantagement of men is that it is still not bad to look at even if you have big bellies. it's a sort of a normal thing. but when women has big bellies, it's like you are being cursed. :(.. the world is so unfair you know,.. men always get the easy way

    @Ms. Marturillas: HAHAHA! actually, i don't look at mirrors. it will only stressed me out..H

  14. Thanks Yo'mama for this nice and helpful article! i'm sure that those girls out there who'd read this will surely become happy..and right now,i am (hahaha) belly is really my problem now because of my diet and lack of exercise the moment i saw and read the article's title, "this is just what i need!" is all i can say. ...ahaha. I'll surely do that exercise to have muscles and a flat abdomen!

    ms.Laguda: i think that the good partner of exercise is not starving yourself but eating a balanced diet..

  15. thank you yomama for the article. this is really helpful especially for us who our conscious with our bellies, just like ms casals and marturillas. i really do not have time in doing the steps mentioned above. but if a person who is really determined to make their belles evaporate, proper diet should be accompanied with the steps mentioned above.
    don't let things get you down. life maybe tough but it gives you thousand reasons to smile. so stay healthy and live young with a flat belly.
    mr sabay, good for you that you are a male, nobody cares what your belly look likes but for us women, our belly is likely our self esteem.

  16. Ms. Aparece it doesn't mean that you really need to make a special time to do it...what I'm trying to say is that you can perform that stuff when you are sitting or too stressed. It can also be a good stretching exercise especially if you're back is sore. Turning your body from left to right doesn't take too much of your time right? When it comes to the dumbbell thingy, you can find a good alternative for that like the canned soup written above.


  18. @ms. buencaloloy: hahaha.. i really thought you already posted your comment!! you so rawr! lolss :D

  19. hahaha. i would've guessed that all of us were already aware of these ways of reducing belly fat, too bad some of us just don't have the motivation. how rude mr. sabay! haha, but i guess that is just your own preference. some men even have a thing for fat women, and some women, for fat men. :)

  20. diet without exercise is useless! hehe. great thing that there are people like Yo Mama posting such information online. hehehe.
    doing abdominal exercise is a great thing, it helps you lose weight and gain a great body ;)

  21. Cool article, I usually do the last exercise when I exercise. I didn't know it could help that much because I just do it whenever I feel lazy and tired exercising in a standing position. I'll try the first and second exercises as soon as I notice my belly looking like muffins.


    I would love to lose my flabs especially targeting my abdominal area because it just keeps getting bigger and bigger every time I look in the mirror. And don't want the time will come that won't fit in the mirror :D.

    This is really helpful especially that we don't have to go to the gym just to lose it, YEEYY!!!


    used to do this every weekends, it just effect for 2 days then i get back to my usual shape. whew. if only we all have the time, we shouldnt be suffering with tight jeans.

    so lets get some abs NOW.

  24. @tan: great timing isn't it? we were just talking about how big belly's on men don't look that bad compared to women having big bellies.. life is so unfair. :))

    i read a quote somewhere that said, "Beauty is the wonder of wonders. It is only shallow people who do not judge by appearances. The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible." reality sucks huh?

    so there have been a lot of surveys that talk about men and women's preferences. some men like women with soft tummies because flat bellies or those with abs do not appeal to them that much.. and some men are most attracted to women with flat, toned bellies, and vice versa. so in the end, having a flat abdomen is entirely up to you. you can choose to be thin, fat, or just right. its about what you want for yourself. :)

  25. Yo mama! Very informative! Yeah, so these exercises prove that we don’t need to go to the gym to get that sexy body! All you need is a chair, paired with determination. But honestly right now, I’m not interested in exercising. Even when I do have flabs hahaha. Too much to do, no time for exercise.

  26. @Ms. Roferos
    Yeahhhh, when you gain weight, it really starts in the belly. I truly believe in that because it is actually happening to ME. :( I have no idea why I got this belly when I entered college. Maybe because I didn't notice that my appetite was changing. Waaah, I hate this. But a million thanks to @Yo' Mama, you are my savior. Haha. Great article! :) I will start to practice these exercises. I am a determined girl. Hihi. I want to gain back my flat belly when I was a highschool student. Just saying. Hohoho. Bring it on! :)

    @Yo' Mama
    May I ask something? I play tennis every weekend, would it help me lessen my medium-sized belly? :D

  27. OMG! I already posted my comment 2 hours ago... but I can't find it know!!! what's wrong???? ahhhhhh!!!!! >:|

    but anyway....

    The article is indeed helpful... these abdominal exercises are easy to achieve and it's interesting so I think I can do these exercises! hahahaahaha. So I hope it's effective for me... and I hope that I'll be patient for it.... I agree to Ms. Enad that these kind of exercise is indeed inexpensive...
    It's also easy and doesn't necessarily require those dumbbells and the like...

    thanks to YO MAMA for this article... this article motivated me to do this type of exercise! hhahahahahahah!

  28. Awesome are the first words I utter while reading this article because I too have a big belly and I hate to see that its getting bigger while im still growing but then I'm really amused that there are also some ways that can help you to lessen up your big belly and now I know ,I'll surely try it at home :). Thank's to Yo'Mama for this article it will really help me a lot ill tell my cousins too about this :)

    For me, having big belly (not so big ,LOL) is somehow fine because being sexy is not my top priority. :) but I love exercise because it can stretch my muscles and makes me feel getting younger everyday.

    @Ms Marturillas, looking our big belly feels depressing indeed.... hahaha

  29. Big belly? Nah it doesn't bother me a lot even though I've got a few flabs...:)

    Well, thanks to Yo'Mama for this article because it really is helpful especially to those who are on a diet and just like Ms Teves that being sexy is not my top priority because I do still have lots of things to do other than being sexy right? :)

  30. @Roferos: hahaha~~ i think underweight people also have bellies.. one example.?? me~ :))) it's sad and all which is why i try to stop eating snacks and to eat as little as i can.

    @Sabay and Roferos: It's unlikely that Yo'Mama would post about how to gain weight seeing as this site IS about LOSING weight. >_<

    The first thing that entered my mind when I read the title was "sit-ups." -_-" I still remember the time my classmate (back in Bethany) and I had a contest on Who can finish their given amount of push-ups first. He had to do 50 and I only had to do 1. I LOST. :( I wonder why it's very hard for me to do just one. I really do try but all I get in the end is a red face from trying too hard. :))

    Anyweiz~~ Thank you for posting this article. ^^ It is very helpful, especially for people like me who can't do sit-ups. ^^
    Compared to sit-ups I can say that it is a lot fun. Because you can put on a song and tilt your body to the left and right following the beat. ^~^

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Thanks @ Yo mama for this really interesting article.
    While reading this article,i said to myself,'this is the answer to my past dilemma'haha cause before i was fat(seriously) my arms are big, my tummy is bigger than now and chubby cheeks.Then my aunts keep telling that im so cute cause im chubby and i feel awkward about it.And i said to myself 'i'll lose weight and have curves,but i don't know how to do it thats why i never did what i told to myself .
    abdominal exercises are indeed helpful to lose pounds and also flabs to those who really wants to lose weight.
    i hope i can do this sometime(for execise purposes only.:-D)

  33. I really get insecure to those people who have beautiful shaped abs abs i wonder how they do it.I tried to achieve it since highschool but it doesn't really work well because i only got reduced waistline,(never my dream abs).I got disappointed because i did sit ups almost everyday but it was like nothing happen.Thanks to Yo' mama,now i have the ideas on how to do the proper exercises and i hope i can do these abdominal exercise despite of my busy schedule.

    @Ms. intong:Don't worry so much coz u already have curves in your body.
    @Ms.Traces: don't be insecure to Ms. Teves coz i don't think she is sexy.hahahha(no offend)

  34. @ms teves, i totally agree with you, i have a lot more other things to worry about than my size and my insecurities regarding my size and my weight...
    [i'm nt saying that everybody who has bellies are insecure of it.]

    though in a way or another i think about losing weight but time is really a hindrance... also, in my case, i'm a hyperacidic person, if i don't eat well, i'll end up having a really severe headache and vomiting so i'll have to know what to prioritize, my health or my size...

  35. @ms. rossini remeticado: The most important change you must make if you wish to lose you belly fat and get a flat stomach is to start working out. I researched and i found one site which said that simply jogging a few miles twice a week or playing some tennis at the weekend, will not shift stubborn belly fat. "The best way to lose weight is a combination of intensive interval training and resistance training, ideally in the form of compound weight training." But it's good to know that you have your own form of active physical activity, because i don't have one. :)))

  36. @Ms Concepcion:

    It is good to have some shaped abs. I also get the feeling of insecurities. and I think you shouldn't stop doing those exercise that you've been doing before. "with persistence and commitment" , you will definitely achieve what you always wanted.

    Thanks YO'MAMA.knowing that those 3 ways of abdominal exercise is just easy, I won't hesitate to do it. :D

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. this article posted by Yo'Mama is very helpful and beneficial to the people who wanted to lose weight,and get those bellies which is really a dilemma to most women out there, MS.TAN and etc..hehe....Not only these, but abdominal exercise is also the best stomach exercise to lose fats which many can relate and for boys like me, i intend to get a six pack abs.LOL.but really,I do hope for it and I'll do it later when I'm not busy anymore. For now, all I need is to control my diet and maintain my weight and health so I won't have a problem with this and for the OBESE, fat men and women, exercise while it's not yet late and for those who wanted to lose some weight and get those bellies in your body..CHILL,,,,with perseverance , I know you can do it!^^

  39. Have you ever looked down at your belly and gasped! How could it have bloated up so quickly? Or maybe you’ve had one of those depressing days when you go to put on your favorite pair of jeans… and they won’t button up.

    What’s going on here?
    Knowing how to lose belly fat is the first step in gaining that flat stomach that so many people aspire to. Once the fat is lost you are only one step away from attaining the ultimate dream, six pack abs. However, even a thin layer of loose belly fat can be hard to shift.

  40. hahaha! you're right mr.amil! this article is not just beneficial to all the girls out there who are really conscious about their bellies but also with those guys who are planning to have "6-PACK ABS" like you! hahaha. but anyway, such a cool comment huh! you really do encourage all those people who are frustrated about their bellies and body shape that nothing is impossible! we just need to have determination within ourselves and sooner or later, we could then realize that we can do a change in our body! hehe

    so thanks Yo'mama for this awesome article, you really do inspire us in doing ways that could not just lead us to live in a healthy way but also help us gain trust and confidence within ourselves! ( two thumbs up!):)

  41. yes you're right ms.ocon!'s such a good act that someone minds to post articles like these(in this site) to help people become aware of the things that are healthy, the things that are not and the ways to help people become healthy!
    so,thanks yo'mama

  42. absolutely ms.carcallas! we should really thank Yo'mama about these things, he doesn't fail to give us information that are really useful not only to ourselves who were able to read these articles but would also give us the chance to share these to others especially to our loved ones. because of him and his site, we were able to gain new knowledge and awareness in terms of taking good care on our health!

  43. @ms.Pantorilla, I dont think time is a hindrance, you could always find ways like walking from Citilink to CNU, what you think? hahahahaa :P

  44. Thank you Ms.Ocon .True, Nothing is impossible.

  45. This article is soo sool. this will really help us, especially women who are really having problems with their belly. Haha. @Ms.Minoza is right. we can't just have diet and stop eating what we think can make us fat. It also needs exercise. It is one way of making ourselves physically fit. thus, sometimes, we don't have time to exercise anymore cause we're too busy. when we wake up in the morning, we directly grab our notes and books to study for our exams that day likewise when time time we arrive from school.

    anyways, when i read this article,it made me think of spending few time in doing this exercise during weekends. im looking forward in having flat belly. hahaha. i mean,abs :)))

    no big belly, no worries,no insecurities :D

  46. @Ms. Rosales
    Oh I see. Hihi. Thanks for telling me. :) Research said that jogging would help? Okay, I will be doing that on weekends too. Hey, you should have physical activities like me. Try some simple jogging. It wouldn't take so long from your time, you can do it on weekend like me. You should try it if you have some plans of lessening your belly. Haha. Thanks anyway. :)

  47. @Mr. Amil

    you're right Mr. Amil. exercise while it's not yet too late as you said.
    If you intend to wait until you're not busy at all, then you're just wasting your time. :C
    the purpose of making the abdominal exercise an easier task is to be able do it during your free time or even during your 15 mins. break. i think it is more or less an adequate time to do the exercise.

    I hope you got the idea of what i'm saying.and btw thanks for your encouraging words.

  48. my belly is really big na! that's why when i measure it when im not full from eating and it just toned down to a inch below...i get soo happy already cause just like the article stated...common belief is that when your waistline are losing weight...which is actually true in some yeah..thanks for sharing great abdominal exercises. but i kinda like the hard way of doing an a abdominal exercise..since the article stated that these exercises are meant for those people who cant easily curl and stand up...but lucky for me..i can still do it easily..i like doing push-ups, curl-up and jumping rope...i really wanted bow to use the hula-hoop but since i was a child i never learned how to use it like capital NEVER! so sad! it would have been a great exercise.

    so yeah, once again thanks for the info..and even though i can still do curl ups..I'll still try these exercises you stated.

  49. nice article yo'mama. this article answers the most common dilemma among us,OUR BELLY(but don't count me in).

    BIG BELLIES doesn't really bother me.why?? i have sooooooooooooooo many things to do or to think about rather than paying attention about my belly.admit it girls,we will develop our bellies the moment we gave birth.(ACCEPT THE FACT!!!!)so why torment yourself when you have the TENDENCY to DEVELOP one in the near future????

    to ms. tan:
    not all men doesn't care about their bellies.if you will just informed them,i sure they change for the better because as what mr. sabay had said, only a few are conscious about their bellies.

  50. belly dancing guysss hahahha well this tips are great yO.mama thanks for the advice this type of body actions will tighten our abdominal muscles i guess esp when you'lll do the procedure 12 times every's worth a try lets see the result wether it will be a very effective way to flatten down this belly of mine :] mmmhmmmmhm belly dancing will be good for our bellies also hahaha but it will end up shaking ur bellies tO the world....anOther loose weight tip yO,mama thAnnnKkksss >.<

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