Obesity is considered one of the factors that contribute to the occurrence of this type of disease. It has been established that overweight people are more prone to developing the disease compared to people with normal weights.
In the disease process, glucose is not considered as the culprit because of the fact that we actually need glucose to fuel our bodies to do our daily activities. The disease is caused by the improper production of insulin or merely its absence. Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas and this hormone is responsible for the breakdown of glucose which makes it easier for cells to use.
Basically, people with diabetes do not have the capacity to utilize insulin effectively or they cannot produce the necessary amounts of insulin. If any of the following possibilities occur then glucose in the blood will not be able to transfer to the cells and they will remain stagnant and useless. Cells of the different systems of the body will not function well because they are deprived with glucose. High levels of glucose in the blood will also lead to sticky consistency of the blood that runs in the veins of diabetic people which will make difficult for proper blood flow.
There are many complications of diabetes. Its complications are rather severe conditions like blindness, kidney ailments and cardiovascular diseases. Diabetic symptoms include weight loss or gain, increased hunger and thirst as well as frequency in urination.
Basically, there are two types of diabetes. Type 1 Diabetes is characterized by inability of the pancreas to produce sufficient amounts of insulin which is needed for maintaining normal glucose levels in the blood. This is probably caused by damage to the pancreas, removal of the pancreas or perhaps excessive alcohol consumption. People who have this type of diabetes will need a daily dose of insulin so that they can function and live normally. The other type of diabetes is called Type 2 Diabetes. The second type of diabetes can be described as the inability of the body to utilize the insulin that is produced by the pancreas. This type of diabetes affects people more compared to that of the first type.
Diabetes is a tricky disease and it also needs a lot of sacrifices to properly manage it. It usually takes lifestyle modifications and a dose of self monitoring to be able to properly manage the condition. The first step towards preventing it is to take care of your health and your weight because obesity is one factor that can definitely trigger diabetes.
My mom has diabetes and so do 3 of her siblings. And I'm scared that I will get it too. I'm not overweight. I'm normal. I'm 5'2 and 115 pounds. I have pretty big muscles in my legs and arms so that might have raised my weight a bit. However, I do eat a lot of sweets. I indulge in chocolate and other sugary stuff like 5x a day. I don't know why but I feel like that might cause diabetes. Does eating too much sweets cause diabetes? And do you know any other causes of diabetes?
ReplyDeleteIf we don‘t take care of our health properly,it will surely have a negative outcome.This will result in developing many diseases and it will greatly affect our body and life.
ReplyDeleteDiabetes is one of the diseases that is associated with obesity.Obese and overweight people are more prone to have diabetes .This disease is caused by the improper production of insulin or merely its absence. Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas and this hormone is responsible for the breakdown of glucose which makes it easier for cells to use. Diabetes can lead to blindness ,cardiovascular diseases and if it is already severe some parts that are affected are removed.To have this disease is not easy because this will need more attention in monitoring the blood sugar. This disease can be avoided if one just have a proper diet,regular exercise and other ways to a healthy lifestyle.
Hello Jesayka...
ReplyDeleteDiabetes has a lot of causes... The most common one is the topic mentioned in the article, which is obesity. The excess fat in your body damages your cells, causing it to destroy the "insulin receptors" of these cells. Simply speaking, your cells won't be able to take in your body's insulin. And remember, insulin lowers your blood sugar by transporting the sugar from your blood into your cells and converting them to energy. This kind of Diabetes is known as Diabetes type II.
Diabetes type I is a form of diabetes where your pancreas creates abnormal insulin, so they are rendered useless. You keep eating sweets but your body is unable to use the sugar in those sweets due to the absence of functioning insulin. This leads to an increasing amount of sugar in your blood leading to Diabetes. Unlike Diabetes type II, which is developed through obesity, Diabetes type I is passed on genetically. This means you can get it from your Mom or Dad, if they have it in their bloodline.
So, to ease you of your worries, can you ask your Mom and her sisters what kind of Diabetes they have? Because if it is type I, then you may inherit it and become a diabetic yourself. But if it is type II, then you can only develop it if you keep eating uncontrollably until you grow overweight and destroy your cell's ability to receive insulin.
I hope you were able to understand my reply. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask more. :) I am more than happy to help.
Thanks. I will definitely ask my mom which kind she has. hopefully it's not type 1.
ReplyDeleteThe bottom line is that we have to take care of our body. Yes, we need sugar because it's an essential nutrient in order to survive. But too much of everything is no good. So, it's our initiative to control the food that we take.
ReplyDeleteI feel that this article is really a good resource for those people who are at high risk for developing diabetes like myself. Talking from a more personal account, I have relatives who have the actual disease. From what I usually see, there is really a 180 degree lifestyle turn and it's really a pain to see. I have a sweet tooth, and I certainly don't want to feel off because I can't enjoy a sugar rush or two when I want to.
ReplyDeleteAs I quote a certain blogger, "Surprisingly, it is not the strict diet, exercise, or blood testing that is the toughest thing when it comes to diabetes. It is the emotional aspect of it."(http://EzineArticles.com/248510) I mean, let's be realistic. If one would find out that he/she has diabetes, he/she would automatically get caught up with feelings of shock and deny it. Or if acceptance is present, anger could be inevitable.
I always stress that I'm on the heavy side, and I guess this would be a great reminder for me to finally cut on the sweets and exercise. That way, it would at least lower my chances of getting diabetes. By the way, great thanks to the author for sharing your expertise in your field. Keep the informative posts coming. :)
@christineroferos: I absolutely agree. Usually, people with an abusive lifestyle get diabetes even though they know that they are at risk. Even people who already are diagnosed with the disease keep on maintaining their unhealthy lifestyle because after all, 'life is short'. It's all about management and discipline. We should take action and responsibility towards our health while we are young.
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ReplyDeleteMy grandma has type 1 diabetes. She's already 76 years old. I don't think grandma is obese, she's just into eating. She injects insulin everyday and she has this instrument to check her sugar level. I used to check her early in the morning before going to school because her blood should be tested before eating breakfast, 'til she told me she's tired of waking up early and she told me her fingers are a little bit painful. I felt pity for my grandma. So I stopped insisting on checking her sugar level and just kept on reminding her to drink her medicines.
ReplyDeleteSince then, I realized i should be really careful on the foods i eat. Though, I am not that into sweets, but taking precautions is better.
So let's try our best to avoid diabetes! :)
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ReplyDeleteDiabetes is one of the most common disease nowadays. Once it is present in the body, it can never be eliminated nor cured which means that it is a lifetime condition. It is not easy to have diabetes because one cannot freely eat what she wants. Sugar level must be monitored everyday, the medications and check-up sure costs a burden to the family especially when it comes to financial status. Truthfully speaking, the medicines are quiet expensive especially the injectable ones. There are some instances wherein a diabetic person may acquire a wound which do not heal easily. These wounds may be infected later on and eventually it will become worse. If the response to the medication is too slow, doctors sometimes advise a person to be amputated just like what almost happened to my grandmother.It is a matter of discipline and needs a lot of focus in order for diabetic person to fight it.
ReplyDelete@christineroferos and R.C. Laguda: I agree to both of you. We sometimes forget to weigh the pros and cons of our actions, to the extent that we do almost anything without thinking. I believe that we must have a healthy lifestyle as early as today to have a bigger chance to fight against diseases especially Diabetes, which is now a very common disease not just in elders but also to teenagers and early adult, and be healthy.We must always control ourselves.
ReplyDeleteJust like Renee, I also have a family history of diabetes. My parents always scold me whenever I eat too much sweets. My mom always tell me this angrily, "you know that you have relatives that are diabetic, yet you are very hard-headed when it comes to eating sweets." Honestly, it really annoys me knowing that I need to eat sweets in moderation. Yeah, I know all the foods that we eat are should be taken in moderation but when it comes to sweets, it's very hard. But, we already know what might happen to us if we are not disciplined enough. I guess we don't have any choice but to make these sacrifices. We are still young, we need to take care of our health because we still have a long way to go. :)
ReplyDelete@Yo' Mama
ReplyDeleteI can agree with your last statement that diabetes is tricky disease and that it needs a lot of sacrifices and lifestyle modifications.
My grandma on my mother’s side died because of diabetes. I don’t remember her being fat so it must have been type I.
Now, my mother’s sister-in-law is discouraging her children from drinking soft drinks and eating sweet stuffs.
My mother is less stricter.. She still lets my siblings and I eat what we want but she encourages us to exercise. She herself plays tennis and when at home, she usually does tae-bo. Is this enough or is my mother a little too lenient?
ReplyDeleteDiabetes is a silent killer. And as what you have said, she encourages you to exercise. Do you really exercise? It's nice of her to let you eat whatever you want but still, you will never know. As what others say, prevention is better than cure. Just be careful.
I agree with @JamDaguman, that we should be really careful on the foods i eat and taking precautions is better for protection towards potential illnesses like diabetes.
ReplyDeleteI really agree with what renee and christine said. We should really take care of our bodies well through watching what we eat because when the disease is there, you can not undo it anymore.
ReplyDeleteBecause i have no family history of diabetes, i eat a lot of sweets everyday, not caring about what would happen to me. This article was such an eye-opener and i thank the author of this blog so much.
I had a relative before who died because of diabetes, and as what I have observed, he is very ill. Though he could still walk, but, I've seen a lot of inflammations all throughout his body. It's very terrible. Though he's not obese, but my mom told me that, he used to eat sweets.
ReplyDeleteI agree to Ms. Marturillas, sugar level must be monitored everyday to prevent diabetes. Medications nowadays for diabetes are quite expensive, so, to avoid buying those medicines for medication, we must also see to eat that we're also eating the right kind of foods with it's desired amount everyday. I guess, the best thing we should do is to avoid eating too much sweets, not only sweets but as well as salty foods.
BOTTOM LINE: Take good care of your HEALTH! :)
Luckily, we do not have family history on diabetes but it doesn't really make me at ease because there is still a big possibility for me to have this disease. I have read an article about diabetes before and I have learned that it ranks 9th as one of the causes of deaths in the whole world. This only means that diabetes is not the kind of disease that we should take for granted even if we are not obese or either overweight. I have a neighbor before who has diabetes and unfortunately they cannot afford to buy any medications. I think it was hard for him because even I, just watching his feet get swollen, rotten with all the pus coming out from his feet can feel the pain and uneasiness. Not a year has passed and he died because of the disease. I don’t want that to happen to me and thinking of that makes me sick. I am sharing this to you because I want you to realize the sufferings we will all encounter if we will only think of the pleasures and enjoyment we are feeling of irresponsibly eating foods. What is a few discipline and sacrifice of limiting our food intake than a lifetime of suffering and depression? Let us all be aware and let us eat responsibly. LET US ALL BE HEALTHY!
ReplyDeleteI can't really relate on the article because I don't a relative that has this disease but I appreciated the author and his or her article.The article is much informative and gives more fact about diabetes.For what I have observe from diabetic people,they are not usually obese or overweight and I always wonder how they get this uncurable disease.I believe having this disease is a lifetime cost and suffering and I just can't really imagine if I will have this disease.Thanks for the article because it gives me more ideas about diabetes.Now I will check out for the lifestyles of my loveones so that I can tell them the complications if they will negkect their health.
ReplyDeleteI agree to Ms. Laguda that being abusive could risk one’s life. We all know that glucose is important for our metabolism in which our energy is used to perform vital function. But it doesn’t mean that we have to be abusive just to perform these vital functions. We just need to discipline ourselves in living a healthy lifestyle. Diabetes is could be insulin dependent and non-insulin dependent, as what our clinical instructor said. If the glucose can’t enter into our cells, it would go to our blood. To avoid the occurrence of diabetes, we need to stay healthy and live healthy. Fortunately, I don’t have a family member who has diabetes.
ReplyDeleteI am a kind of person who is really into sweets and I honestly take diabetes for granted because I don't know anybody in our family or in my relatives who has diabetes but I do have a friend who has one and she seems to be okay. Nevertheless, I guess I must not be too confident of not acquiring diabetes. I am just curious sir, does having tonsillitis for about five to eight times a year increase my chance of having diabetes?
ReplyDeleteSame as @KYZZA GIELLE, i'm fun of eating sweets too and i also take for granted the effects of this in my health.
ReplyDeleteI think the reason for this connection is that people who are overweight made a bad food choices. Instead of consuming a healthy mixture of the right fruits, vegetables, fiber and protein, they consume too much of the wrong things. They also eat in excess. When you do not have a sufficient level of activity to burn off these extra calories it turns to fat and complicates matters even more.
Sometimes the body develops insulin resistance, a condition where it simply doesn't respond to the effects of insulin. In this case, cells do not absorb insulin efficiently, which causes an increase in sugar levels. This is often in response to excess weight.
Thanks to this article for giving students like us who are fun of eating sweets an idea. I appreciate it a lot. :)
So guys, PREVENTION is better than CURE!
in our blood lies the epic disease, diabetes mellitus. both of my grandmas from mom and dad's side has this. they gained weight more like 8x from their original body frames. they take metformin for their maintenance everyday. but still, they eat sugary foods. HAHA. i also have a teacher before in highschool with diabetes, and the effect on her was the opposite to my two grandmothers. she lost weight (but not that much) and, she's always thirsty. like a vampire craving for blood.
ReplyDeletein my case, i love to eat. and eat. chocolates are my ever best friends. and i'm assuming a lil' bit that i'll eventually obtain this disease, in the near future. but eventhough, i'm trying my best not to get this. *fingers-crossed*
I can actually relate with Ms. Concepcion. I do not have any relative who has diabetes so I cannot share any experience about it. Actually, even I wonder how people get this disease and how to tell from the people who have them, they just look so normal. Anyway, I am grateful for this article for giving me an overview of what diabetes is and its effects. At least now I know the things I am supposed to avoid and the things I am supposed to watch out for. We should really take care of our body as to not experience dire consequences that may even be deadly.
ReplyDelete"Prevention is better than cure." If people only knew or just thought of the consequences of their actions, they might have avoided diabetes type II. Control and discipline are important aspects we should really master in order to live a Happy, Healthy and Fulfilling life.
@thisiskathlytan: you're so right kat..i totally agree on you on that one..! discipline and sacrifice is nothing compared to a lifetime of suffering...as they say, "prevention is better than cure." so while its still early, while there's still time, we should all must take good care of our bodies and be mindful of what were eating cause we will never know what would hit us if we'll just let ourselves be. :)
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I am obese and reading articles associating with obesity like diabetes scares me. Trust me, losing weight is not that easy, it takes time and discipline. So start living a healthier lifestyle and live life against potential diseases like diabetes because life after that is not easy. My uncle suffered diabetes for 5 years and after that other problems health problems are present like kidney and heart ailments which did not make him live here on earth long. But anyway, the thing is he did not care about having a healthy lifestyle and diabetes and I hope wouldnt be inconsiderate like him. So yeah, let this be a lesson to everyone that we should not take things for granted especially when it comes to our health because life is :)
ReplyDelete@Willy: Obesity and overweight are two different things. If your Body Mass Index (BMI) is between 25-29.9, you are overweight. If your body mass index is between 30-39.9, then YOU are obese.
ReplyDeleteTO calculate your BMI and find out if you are obese, check it here: http://www.nhlbisupport.com/bmi/
In my case, my BMI is 20.1, which makes me within my normal weight :) OHHHHH YEAH!
Diabetes is a lifetime condition.Once acquired,one can never do anything to eliminate it in the body.Diabetes is usually describe as a condition wherein there is an abnormally maintained level of glucose in the blood.It may be caused be insufficient amount of insulin produce by the pancreas(type1)or presence of damage on the receptor sites(type 2).
ReplyDeleteUsually,people with diabetes needs to monitor their sugar level daily.They also need to be watchful in terms of their lifestyle or diet.Aside from that,they are also prone to severe conditions like blindness(diabetic retinopathy),kidney ailment(diabetic nephropathy) and cardiovascular diseases that if not treated properly can lead irreversable damage.
Diabetes is a tricky disease that must be properly managed.It just need commitment and a matter of discipline in order for a person to fight it.
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ReplyDeletei've never really had that in depth view of what diabetes is. no one in our family had that kind of disease, so i'm not exposed to the idea of it, or its dangers. i do know though, it's not that easy to have diabetes. as a diabetic you have to take insulin meds, think of the risk of having some parts of your body amputated, stay away from all those sweet and heavenly food. it sucks. but an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure, right? (correct me if i'm wrong with my sayings, and i do guess i am) starting now, not only do we have to be informed about diabetes, what it is, how it's acquired, and it's effects, but also, we have to take precautionary methods and prevent it from happening. obesity really does contribute on acquiring diabetes. our intake of food should always be monitored, and adjusted in ways that can stop the onset of diabetes. switching to a healthier lifestyle is an add to that too. diabetes is harmful. let's not take it for granted. yes, live life well and waste it. don't waste it that much though, or else, a lot of consequences may happen.
ReplyDeleteto the author -BRAVO! :)
I guess the bottomline of this article is, we have to watch what we eat and of course live a more active lifestyle to help reduce the risk factors. But unfortunately, diabetes doesn’t discriminate. Fat or thin, obese or underweight you can be a victim. But even if you are diagnosed with diabetes, you can still live a normal, active, spontaneous life. With a little help and support from family or friends and the assistance of a good healthcare team, it's possible to live a full and fulfilling life even with a diabetes diagnosis.
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ReplyDeletediabetes. chooses. no one. we should be watchful of what we eat. but having diabetes is not the end though. just like any other disease, life goes on. carrying that disease is hard, i guess. if you know of someone who has it, treasure him/her. diabetes can be upsetting. let them know that life is still enjoyable :)))))))))))))))))))) i enjoy it, do you? -p.s. me no have diabetessssssssss xD
i definitely agree W/ Ms.Laguda, Ms.Rosales, Ms. Suarez and others that we should promote a better lifestyle, avoid too much sweets, have some exercise and just what Ms.Tan said let's be a healthy citizen and practice discipline in that way, we could promote our metabolism, a healthy body system, a normal weight and LONG LIFE. :))
ReplyDeletewhat a reaction mr. arizobal.:)) yes, it's true that when you have diabetes, it is already irreversible but it is not the end of your life. fortunately, due to advanced technology there are new treatments these days that help people with diabetes lead a normal life.
ReplyDeleteAlso like Renee Camille Laguda, Jam Daguman, and Junice Iane Casals my family has a background on diabetes milletus. Currently my dad suffers from this sickness. He got this sickness from my grandmother (his mother). He has type 1 diabetes therefore he is insulin-dependent. And according to the comment of the Yo mama..it is genetically passed on..so i might have the chance to possess it since right now, i admit i an overweight, obese even. OH NO!(o.O) that was something i always knew since childhood because my mom always told me.
ReplyDeleteso note to self, be careful because according to my mom once you acquire diabetes, you can never take it back. So be careful...
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ReplyDeleteI firmly beleive as to what Miss Marturillas said that diabetes is a type of disease which is irreversible. We cannot escape from diabetes but we can avoid further complications of that particular disease through proper diet.As for me, I usually take precautionary measures because I have a family history of diabetes.
ReplyDeleteI also beleive that sugar level should always be check for just like now, my aunt is admitted to the hospital because she has a high sugar level in her body and as I can notice her wounds heals so slow unlike normal people. According to the doctor, my aunt is sufferring from a type 2
diabetes in which I beleive that people diagnose with type 2 diabetes have a dysfunction in their receptor sites and not with their insulin but I wonder why the nurse continues to give insulin to my aunt eventhough her problem is not with the insulin but with the receptor sites.
I really am confused but I hope someone would enlighten me regarding this problem.
@Arielle Joy Rosales: I agree to you that "due to advanced technology there are new treatments these days that help people with diabetes lead a normal life" but I think it's so ironic that technology also find its ways to produce different kinds of sweets that can cause diabetes:)))
ReplyDelete@Sharmaine, France, Quenie, Kyzza, Kathlyn Tan, Nover and all of you guys who doesn’t have any family history of diabetes… lucky for you! Because I think aside from being overweight it can also be inherited. Unlike us, apple, Dane Cerna, Junice, Lizelle and Ajameth and MYSELF who have family history of diabetes. We should be much more careful.
ReplyDeleteAll of my grandparents have diabetes and there all dead. At least 3 of my mom’s siblings too are diabetic… and my father was recently diagnosed with diabetes type 2. So you see I’m really worried :(, especially that I also love to eat sweets.
I’ve been with them and it’s not easy to have a lifetime disease. Taking into consideration that it doesn’t have a cure, just the maintenance of the blood sugar level. It’s really a ”180 degrees turn”(like Renee have stated).
For me, the sugars we eat, or the genes we inherit are not the culprits of diabetes. It is our own decisions in life that affect the way we are now. You are given the chance, the free will to eat what you want, and it is up to you to resist the SWEET TEMPTATIONS in life that are mostly served in plates, boxes or tiny pretty wrappers. So yes, the first step towards preventing diabetes is to take care of our health and our weight. And also, exercise! I myself am trying to avoid giving into temptation. :P
ReplyDeleteSince most of you have already beaten me to the point, I am not going to add more information about what i think about diabetes. But what has caught my attention is that everyone is starting to prevent having diabetes just 'cause their mother or their dad, or their grandpa has diabetes. That's not it. Even if you don't have any history of the disease, you should start preventing! Start living for yourself. "Im going to start living healthy 'cause my grandpa has diabetes", i'm not saying that saying this is a bad thing, but you should start living healthy because you want to BE healthy.
@ Queenie Intong: LOL... But I think that's how the market works... How could they provide a solution if isn't really a problem, RIGHT?
ReplyDelete@Danielle Ann Suarez: For several generations on my mom's side, diabetes mellitus is a disease they always worry about because no matter how much they try to avoid it, no matter how much they try to control their food intake, they still end up having diabetes since its genetic. Both of my parents have history of diabetes, but I'm not really into controlling my food intake since I'm still young and I'm not planning to deprive myself. But despite the no-deprivation rules, I still think of my health and think of some ways to keep it good. Hopefully there's no offense taken. ^^
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ReplyDelete@Henelle Enad: haha.right. that's why it's so ironic. About what you said earlier that you are worried and that you love to eat sweets,I think you just have to find the right time to open that topic to your parents:)(just giving my opinion,though:))
ReplyDelete@Eliseria Pantorilla: none taken, thank you for the reply. I am not blaming anyone for worrying about their family history and living their lives because of it. It is good to be aware and having a reason to stay healthy. I am happy to hear you have your own ways and reasons of staying healthy, and that you are doing everything in your own pace (which was my point really), considering you're not that threatened of having diabetes. Just remember to eat your fruits and vegetables ms. eliseria.
ReplyDeleteNice comment @Arielle Joy Rosales. I totally agree with you because we have the same thoughts. WE HAVE TO BE CAREFUL OF WHAT WE EAT AND BE AWARE OF THE CONSEQUENCES IT MAY GIVE US. I agree with @Nover Arizobal too. Diabetes chooses no one. Though diagnosed with diabetes or not, life simply goes on. We don't know whom Diabetes will hit someday. It may be you, me or anybody. We don't know. All we need to remember is this, you may feel all the pleasures of anything that you eat now, but make sure that you are aware of what or where it may lead you. You are responsible for your self. I love and forever enjoy EATING but, I will never fail to always think of its causes to my body.
ReplyDeleteLet us all live in the healthiest way possible. And this way is "AWARENESS". :))) If you know someone who is diagnosed with this condition, never let them feel bad about it. Instead, cheer them up and help them live a healthy life with the right ways that will surely help.
Credits go to @Yo' Mama. Thanks for this wonderful overview of Diabetes. Looking forward more articles. Keep it up! :)
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ReplyDeleteI agree to Ms. Roferos, Ms. Tan, Ms. Rosales and MR. Arizobal.We should always take care of our health if you want to live longer but if not then you don't need to finish reading my comment. We should not always think of all the pleasures that we want because there is always a consequence. Too much of everything is no good. To Ms. Casal, you don't have the right to be angry to your mother because she's doing it for your own good and it will be her expense and liability if you will get it. Our elders know more than us so we must listen to them. I believe its a matter of discipline, love and respect to yourself is needed to avoid getting this disease.
ReplyDelete@Andromedes Sabay: I think what you mean is that we should not get too caught up with the pleasures in life or it will backfire. We all can't resist thinking about the pleasures in life. But A. Sabay is right Ms. Casals, your addiction to sweets may also lead to other diseases or conditions as well. Do listen to your parents.
ReplyDeleteI agree with u @Danielle Ann Suarez that even though u don't have any family history of diabetes you should still start using some precautionary measures just as to what Mr. Arizobal said that diabetes chooses no one and so even though you don't have any bloodline of diabetes you should always be ready and prepare for the worst for we might not know what will happen in the future.
ReplyDelete@Lizelle Carnicer
ReplyDeleteSuch freedom you have, eating what you want, is actually uncontrollable at some point. Because you have that feeling of unlimited freedom, you tend to follow what you really want. But be careful in making decisions.
Frankly speaking, I am envious on the freedom you have. Like any other families, We have also a history of diabetes. It's very saddening that my father is suffering from that disease which led to other complications in his body.
I want you to know best not to forget the consequences you have to take once you are in a situation making a choice whether to eat or not to eat those sweets. After all, you decide your own choice.
Be vigilant. :D
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ReplyDeleteI agree with Ms. Remeticado, let's live in the healthiest way possible. As for me, as teenagers and especially that we have already the hints about diabetes, let's share this also to others for them to be aware. Ms. Teves is right, we must prepare for the worst so we must take precautionary measures:)
ReplyDelete@ Ms. Suarez, yeah you're right! Thanks for making it clear. By the way I agree with u, we should always take precautionary measures even if we don't have any family history of diabetes.
ReplyDeleteJust like @Kyzza and @iamelishagine, I am fond of eating sweets because it makes me feel like I'm in heaven! :P It lessens my stress and kinda make me forget my problems. I don't want to have diabetes that's why I eat sweets occasionally not like before. I agree with @Alvy May Teves that we should still use some precautionary measures because we never know what might happen in the future. Even though I don't have any family history of diabetes I can still have a chance to have one right? I just lack exercise to kick off some weight but I just don't have the spirit to do so. But I always eat the HEALTHY kind of foods :D
ReplyDelete**Nice article!It keeps gettin' better! Keep it up! :}
Queenie Mae Intong:
ReplyDeleteI disagree on what you have stated that "technology also find its ways to produce different kinds of sweets that can cause diabetes" because you see, technology does not create sweet foods! it is actually the person behind this technology who should be blamed. people are the ones who finds ways to make cookies and other sweet stuffs , not technology.:P
no offense! hehehe
by the way @Yo' Mama,this site is a helpful one. so, keep it up. :)
Like Jam Daguman, Kathlyn Tan, Junice Casals, and Kathleen Bispo, my family has a history of diabetes. I haven't seen any of my relatives which are suffering because of diabetes so I am very lax when it comes to eating sweets -.-" As Ms. Roferos, Ms. Tan, Ms. Rosales, Mr. Arizobal, and Mr. Sabay has stated, we should always take care of our health. That's why we should watch what we eat because as a few people had stated, diabetes chooses no one. You can never guarantee that you will not have diabetes. As they say, "prevention is better than cure" ;)
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ReplyDeletecertainly ms. taborada,Ms. Roferos, Ms. Tan, Ms. Rosales, Mr. Arizobal, and Mr. Sabay,it is really essential to watch what we eat for we are what we eat. if we just let our self indulge on eating too much sweets, we're most likely to get diabetes
ReplyDeletehahaha! what a comment ms. Padigos! :D
ReplyDeleteHaha. LOL Queenie Mae Intong, ironic really, technology being accused of making sweets so to buy treatment products in return, that's a double profit! :D
ReplyDeleteYes, i'm with you Ms. Suarez, though someone doesn't have that family history of either the two types of diabetes, peevishly saying, you can be the start of the diabetic bloodline. But, I bet no one in our class is obese, then it's fair to say that we should be frightened of the thought stated here. :) God bless.
ReplyDeleteDiabetes kills you slowly. It doesn't change the fact that it still kills you. Obesity and being overweight may one of the reasons why some other people suffer from diabetes but don't forget that lifestyle still counts. Your body adapts on how you live or your way of life. We, people can't stop eating when there's a feast, that's a fact. We tend to forget what these foods can do to our bodies. People with diabetes have to balance the sugar level in our body, but the favorable part is that it doesn't hurt that much, it's like you won't feel a thing. It's not like you have a cancer and you'll suffer from pain and have to undergo Chemotherapy, the next thing you know, YOUR A BALDY! HAIRLESS!. So for those who have diabetes, I'll just say 9 words,"LIVE YOUR LIFE TO THE FULLEST AND NO REGRETS!:)" (just a random thought)
ReplyDeleteFrankly speaking, just like ms. concepcion and mr. arizobal commented a while ago, I too really don't have that much knowledge and view about diabetes since it is not part of our bloodline. but for the fact that it's not just the only cause for acquiring this disease, primary precautions should still be observed. I know most of us love sweets in which leads us to obesity, and so in order to prevent this, we should take it in moderation and try to replace it with fruits and vegetables. and besides, eating too much sweets does not only causes diabetes, it might as well triggers tooth decay. ;)) for those people who are worried in terms of the possiblity of having this disease, don't take life seriously, probably it is incurable though, but it can still be prevented. like what Ms. Traces said, "WE MUST LIVE A HEALTHY AND FUFILLING LIFE." :)
ReplyDeleteFortunately, I can truly relate with Ms. Tan. I don't have any relative who has diabetes. It means that I can't share any scary experience. Just like what Ms. Roferos, Ms. Tan, Ms. Rosales, Mr. Arizobal, and Mr. Sabay has said, we must take good care of our health!!!! .....and for those people who have relatives suffering from diabetes, be smart about sweets, choose fats wisely and PRAY BECAUSE IN GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!!!(I AM NOT MAKING insensible or out-of-this-world comments or points HERE)!!......LIFE IS NOT OVER BECAUSE YOU HAVE DIABETES. MAKE THE MOST OF WHAT YOU HAVE, BE GRATEFUL!!!:)))GOD bless!!!
ReplyDelete@MS. INTONG. haha. i know right? technology can be quite ironic when it creates the sweet temptations yet finds ways to solve the problems it causes to our health. but did you know that there is a study that proved the effectiveness of stem cell treatment in treating type 1 diabetes. it appears to allow cells in pancreas to start producing insulin again. this is GREAT NEWS!. but then again it can be very costly. (read this: http://news.yahoo.com/novel-stem-cell-treatment-may-hold-promise-type-140408194.html) :D
ReplyDeleteI know this is a bit late but I would just like to comment on the comment of the author to jesayka..type 1 diabettes milletus is not genetical or is passed on..its type 2 that's genetical.
ReplyDeleteBut I too myself am confused, my books tell me that type 2 diabetes is non-insulin dependent but my dad claims he has type 2 diabetes..but he injects insulin...could someone clarify this..
that's helpful ms. rosales. but. we all know that not all of us can afford the treatment. it's expensive. and i think, we still need to go to another country who offers that kind of treatment. but on a lighter note, it is still relieveing to know that there are MANY WAYS for treating diabetes...
ReplyDeletei can also suggest AMPALAYA or BITTER GOURD as an alternative. it's an effective, cheap and natural way that helps in decreasing the blood glucose level :))
ReplyDeletePlease check your sources properly. It has been an established fact that Diabetes Mellitus type I IS GENETIC/PASSED ON while Diabetes type II IS NOT GENETIC.
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