Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Am I Morbidly Obese? Know if You Are!

Am I morbidly obese? morbidly obese person is an individual that is experiencing health problems due to obesity. They can also be people who are at risk for these health problems for being severely overweight but are not yet experiencing any effects. In short, a morbidly obese person is someone who’s excess weight could contribute to his demise.

So how do we answer the question: Am I morbidly obese? There are two calculable ways to check if the person is morbidly obese. However, you should take note that despite being overweight, you are not immediately classified as being obese.

The first way is to take out your weighing scale and a chart to check for the normal weight for people of your height. You can find these charts in books or in the internet. Get your weight from the weighing scale and compare it to what your weight should be for people your height.

 If you are over a hundred pounds that what your weight should be, then you may be morbidly obese. If you’re below a hundred, then you can still be considered obese. If your fifty pounds or less overweight, you may not be considered obese but just simply being overweight.

A more definite way to calculate if you are morbidly obese is by using the Body Mass Index (BMI). To explain things simply, your body mass index is the equivalent of your total weight in kilograms divided by your height in meters, squared. The resulting number determines your BMI. You can be classified as the following:

Severely underweight (less than 16.5 kg/m²)

Underweight (from 16.5 kg/m²-18.45 kg/m²)

Normal (18.5 kg/m² - 24.9 kg/m²)

Overweight (24.9 kg/m² - 29.9 kg/m²)

Obese class I (30.0 kg/m² -34.9 kg/m² )

Obese class II (35 kg/m²  - 39.9 kg/m² )

Obese class III (above 40 kg/m²).

If you exceed the 40 kg/m² margin of the BMI, you are considered morbidly obese. However, if you have a BMI of around 35 kg/m², but you are experiencing health problems due to your weight, then you can be medically classified as morbidly obese.

Morbidly obese people can have problems with hypertension, heart attack, stroke, diabetes mellitus, difficulty in breathing, mobility and a lot of other health problems. The best way to resolve this is by weight reduction.

Physicians advice extensive and closely monitored diet and exercise. However, if these measures seem futile, then surgical means to reduce weight may be implemented. An example of this is a gastrectomy, where a surgeon removes part of your stomach, making it smaller. This way, a person gets full faster when eating. Another surgical procedure is liposuction. 

To calculate your BMI, you can go to this site and calculate for it: http://www.nhlbisupport.com/bmi/  I hope this answers your mind-boggling question of “Am I morbidly obese?”


  1. I computed my BMI, I'm so happy that I got 18.6 which means I'm normal! hahaha!! I cant really relate to this article but thanks again to Yo Mama at least the knowledge was shared unto me and I can share this to my family and friends to inform them that being obese is really not good. I pity those people who are obese and can't have their desired weight. I want them to know that dont give up no matter how hopeless it seems , just continue eating healthy foods and exercising because sooner or later you will achieve it. To those people who aren't obese but are candidates for it, please start losing some weight in order to avoid having so many complications of what morbidly obese brings. If you still care for yourself and the people who surrounds you, you will do it. Always pray also for a healthy mind and body!

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  3. Oh my! i'm overweight! that's why i hate to find out because i always end up depressed. however, it is better to know the truth than to pretend things which your not. in that way, i can prevent myself from joining the group of those obese people. i don't condemn them but i just don't wanna be in the danger zone. there's more to life i need to experience and i don't want to suffer a disease and die at a young age. this article was a big help because it serves as an eye opener to those who are still in denial of their state. so thanks a lot @Yo Mama

  4. @Ms. Tan, that is okay at least you know it and you can still do something about it especially that you are not yet old.

  5. I can't really relate with this article because I'm not obese nor overweight.. (Thank God!whoooo!! xD) Yet its a good thing for us somehow to know this because I know for someday after giving birth, I might have these problems.. Nevertheless, I think it would also help those chubby ones to accept the fact that they must really accept by themselves 'coz I know that most of them would deny that they are mordibly obese even if those bellies are popping out from their shirts.. (hahaha!!no offense ) It's time for them to be threatened!!

  6. YES! i'm not obese and i'm really thankful to you @YoMama for giving us another article that relates to our health and to the others. it really helps in such a way that it gives us ideas how to calculate and how to know our BMI.

    all i can say is only ourselves can decide to live a healthier lifestyle. and it is only us who can decide on what path we would go.


  7. Me too Ms.Ganir , I can't really relate when it comes to obesity.Obviously I'm thin and seems like to be weak.I hate calculating my BMI because I always knew that it won't reach the normal range.It's always frustrating that I'm not normal.
    However,I agree with this article because calculating ones BMI will help in determining if a person is overweight,obese or not.It will encourage more that we need to be more cautious and be more informative about our health.

  8. 18.7! Which mean I'm normal. HAHAHA! :)Though I'm not obese nor overweight but this info is still very helpful Yo Mama 'cause I have a lot of relatives who are overweight and obese. Most of them are my uncles, they drink alcohols too much, though my aunts are also overweight, but the nice thing is that, they don't drink but eat a lot of carbs. Actually, I'm really afraid to get fat, though I wanted to (look how ironic), I wanna gain a lot of energy, but I don't wanna be obese nor overweight. I know there's a lot of ways to gain energy. hehehe. Anyway, I agree to Mr. Sabay, that all we have to do is to eat a lot of healthy foods and of course with matching exercise. :)

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  10. @Ms. Cerna: hahaha, well, the best form of energy is still carbs though it could make you sizes bigger. just like what others did, i computed my BMI and i was pleased because it turned out normal (LOL! I was surprised myself okay. XD)...22.8. it's still heavy okay, but i was overweight in high school. guess the stress got into my bones and did wonders inside of me. whew.

  11. @ms. concepcion: you should eat more since being underweight has its own disadvantages. Since practically, gaining weight is much more easier than losing a few pounds, you are in a tolerable position. but did you know that underweight also affects one's fertility? infertility is an issue many underweight women face. other disadvantages are weakened immune system, hormone imbalance, hair loss, osteoporosis, anemia and malnutrition.

    thank you yo'mama for another fruitful article.

    it's so goood to be normal. :)

  12. @Ms. Conception: hey, i feel you girl. i used to hate calculating my BMI too coz it kept on growing every single year, opposed to your problem. it really made me feel bad about my body (guys, it's really HARD to get updated on your BMI...intense self-esteem decrease! :|), but you know, there's always a flip side to everything. i guess it helped all of us in class to finally watch our food choices. :)

  13. Same here ms. cerna! hahaha. i am within the normal range and i'm very happy. :D when i was in 4th year high school i was underweight and my parents and relatives always reminded me to gain a little weight. i enjoy food a lot and i'm hoping that my reckless eating will not make me overweight :)) especially during my stressed moments, i tend to eat a lot. okay so, even though i cannot relate to this topic which is obesity, i can share this to my relatives. and as a concerned citizen, haha, i can share this to everyone i know.

    being obese is a very difficult situation. if it can't be helped with exercise, you have to resort to surgery or liposuction! that sucks a lot. it's too expensive and may cause some complications. which sucks more :))

  14. i can relate to you ms. rosales, i tend to eat a lot in order to relieve stress. but i am trying to lose weight 'cause i never want to get close to being overweight. once i feel that i am gaining weight, i try to minimize my calorie intake and exercise a little. but i have observed that you lose weight easily, so there's no need to worry. :)

  15. Ms. Concepcion: ms.concepcion ... i think that we should not let this little matter affect us ... all we have to do is accept the truth that our weight is just like that...and so that we can avoid worrying too much.

  16. ohhh, so ms. suarez, if eating is your way of relieving stress but then you are trying to lose weight at the same time, then in my opinion, you should replace the unhealthy foods you eat with a healthier alternative. :)) so that you won't feel guilty when you are "relieving your stress through eating".

  17. uhh.. i find it hard to relate myself with this article since i'm not obese just like ms. concepcion. but i am glad i'm not obese, i don't have to experience some health problem like they do. but for those who are candidates of being obese, motivate yourself to be healthy, (eat healthy foods, exercise and consider your BMI.)
    yomama, thank you for the article, i'll certainly share this to those obese people i know.

  18. @ms carcallas: it is good to let this article affect you. the very purpose of reading this.. ms. concepcion should realize that being normal should be a goal to accomplish. ignoring this article might be unhealthy since, as i have mentioned, being underweight has its disadvantages.

  19. Well, I'm not using it cause I really know on what range am I. But I think, letting everyone know or be aware if they are obese or not is really a good idea and they may start to be conscious about it :)

  20. Thanks for the informative article yomama.

    Good for you normal people. I went to the site yomama suggested and my BMI is 17.9... I'm UNDERWEIGHT!!! Again... :( ...I thought I was normal. Actually Ms. Suarez, it's not so easy to gain weight. I've tried. And I eat a lot... Maybe the long walk and the heavy bag burns my carbs and calories faster than they are stored... Hehehe.

    Anyway, I agree with all of you that being obese is a very difficult situation. I sympathize with the obese people. I know, I know... I'm the opposite of obese but that doesn't mean I can't see you difficulty and hardships... Well, thanks to yomama's article, I hope you are enlightened to the point that you start to constantly check your BMI and that you'd be mindful with what you eat and what you do. I don't think anyone would like to be morbidly obese. So to obese people out there, don't make it worst. As Ms. Rosales said, Liposuction and surgery are very expensive and I don't think you'd like to spend that much. While its still early, I suggest you start your diet (not fasting, okay- eat, but eat with caution and moderation) and start your exercise... Hehehehe

  21. @ms rosales: that is a very good suggestion! but there are times that i don't have available resources (healthier foods i can indulge in when stressed). so i tend to look for "other" alternatives and compensate it soon through exercise. :)

  22. i know ms. traces, and other people tend to envy those who find it hard to gain weight. but actually, there are quite easy ways to gain a pound or two. when i said "easy" i meant "easy if you compare it to losing weight". since gaining weight will require you to eat eat eat eat. while losing weight really requires discipline, self-control and a lot of hardships. don't you agree?

  23. @ms. suarez, hahaha. ikr? for me the healthier foods are expensive. especially the organic kind which is a fad these days. but knowing you, i think you can afford these kinds of food. :)) it's good to know that you compensate it through exercise. may i ask what kind of exercise you plan to use? :D

  24. when I was in 4th yr HS, my BMI result is overweight... I don't know by now because our weighing scale is nowhere to be found. HAHAHA :P

    I don't worry too much about being overweight... I said in the past articles that I know when to stop eating and I know what to eat, it's just that I lack exercise.... blah blah blah!

    I think it's not proper to be afraid in getting fat because you're the one who is responsible for the foods that you eat (healthy and unhealthy) so don't be surprised if you gained weight. just ask yourself why did you gained weight and you'll know the answer...



  25. @ms rosales: i can't really say that it would be easy for me to buy those kinds of food since it is not my money to spend (im not saying we have lots of money). haha. are you familiar with nestle fitness cereal? hahaha, there's like a free cd, a fitness program. its like a dance exercise, a little like the video sir alforque showed us a few hours ago. haha, it was kinda my sisters' and mom's idea, i just went with it. its kinda fun! :) we jog if we have time. :DDD

  26. I am still not convinced it is easier Ms. Suarez. More enjoyable or luscious maybe, but definitely not easier. Well, I'm a hyper active person... I can't stand not doing anything... Hehehe... Maybe this contributes to me not gaining weight, for me, being still and just lying around is not easy... Or maybe, it's just my genes... Or maybe its the constant, never ending stress...I'm not sure... Gaining weight is just so hard...

  27. just as I thought...I'm overweight! Well I'm not surprised because I've been eating a lot these past months due stess, guess I'm with the same situation like Ms. Suarez and Ms. Rosales. Though it's depressing, I won't allow myself to stay like this forever. :))
    Now, I'm slowly disciplining myself with regards to my food intake ..hehehe. In fact, together with my coz, decided to jog during weekends..sooo excited!

  28. @ms. traces, it really depends on how you see it, really. i say it is easy because easy for me is the capability of a task being accomplished or acquired with ease. Easy for me is when you do something and while doing it, you are free from worry, anxiety, trouble, or pain. so technically, i am able to define gaining weight as easy since i, for one, gain weight easily. you say its hard, i respect your opinion, but maybe you must have not tried losing weight since you never reached the point of having to lose weight.. :)

  29. @ms. traces, i think it's in your genes. maybe you have the skinny gene.

  30. Yey. I'm not obese. Hihihi. For those who can relate with me out there, it doesn't mean that we can PIG OUT (eat) all the time if you feel like eating anything. We still have to control ourselves. We should not be confident. Instead, let us all live a healthy life. I am now starting to eat lots of fruits. Sometimes, when I've unintentionally skipped a meal, I eat fruits. I'm not saying you should skip meals, but learn to appreciate fruits and veggies. Healthy living. :">

    Hey @Ms. Tan, don't worry if you found out that you're overweight, you should be happy, because we are still so lucky... We're still young... We are teenagers. So, chin up girl. You still have the chance to change. Hihi. Control. :))))

    Same goes with @Ms. Marturillas. That's the spirit girl! Discipline is the key. :D

  31. You have a point there Ms. Suarez and yes Ms. Rosales, maybe its the genes... I appreciate your opinion Ms. Suarez and I respect it. We all have our own definition of things and we are all entitled to them...

  32. To all the heads above who have normal BMI: count me in yo' haha..

    Seriously, just like @Ms. Ganir, i can't also relate with obesity 'cause I'm no obese nor underweight. I don't have any family member that is obese either. But human as we are, we don't know what's gonna happen in the near future so it's good to know these infos early before we encounter these scary diseases whatsoever.

    Hey, just curious, uhm I eat a lot as in way more than what my body needs ('cause of boredom and stress coping mechanism), but it seems that i don't really gain any weight. And i don't remember having any exercise, why is that so? hahaha

    And one more thing, I don't really care about this BMI. I have BMI thingy in my phone and i don't mind at all. :D

  33. OH Yes! I'm not obese. such a relief!
    Eat the right things during the day (low carbs, high protein). And make sure to do demanding tasks in the morning or early afternoon rather than in the evening (when your glucose levels are naturally the lowest). We must always control ourselves like Ms. Remeticado has stated. We must be watchful enough on our diet:)

    @Mr. Gervacio: I agree with you. We are accountable for our actions. I admire you for knowing your limitations especially in eating. Keep it up!

  34. @ms.Marturillas: don't worry someday you'll attain a normal Body Mass Index..It is not impossible, as long as you control your food in take and you are determined to lose weight.. Discipline is also the key..

    i never experienced to be obese. Most of the time my body mass index could either be normal or underweight.. But now I'm in the normal line..
    This article is good knowing that it will give awareness to the readers to check the status of their body mass index. it is important to know your body mass index because knowing your weight and height wont tell you everything..It wont give you your total health picture..
    your body mass index can provide reliable indication of your body's fatness and serve as a screening tool to have an overview of what health problems to face when you don't have normal BMI.

    great choice of topic yo'mama! your articles can really help a lot of people to be knowledgeable enough about stuff's like this..:)))

  35. @ F. Traces: I'm underweight too~~ :( I also thought I was normal, so when I felt like I grew some weight, I immediately stopped eating a lot. When I felt hungry, I always remind myself that I'm not really hungry and it's just my hypothalamus. It's just psychological. Guess now I have to start eating more.

    @D. Suarez: Being underweight may cause Hair loss?? :( is that the reason why I have lots of hair falling out?? :'(

    Although I can not relate to this article, it does not mean it's useless. This article is a great reminder that we need to pay attention to our weight not just for beautification but also to remain healthy. With obesity comes a lot of health problems such as heart attack, diabetes and hypertension. And being underweight causes infertility, hair loss and anemia. We all must be of normal weight to prevent any risk of health problems. c:

    A short reminder to those who are obese. Denial is not just a river in Egypt. When you find out you are obese, do not deny it. Try your best to lose some weight to become healthy. ^^

  36. and an add to miss Remeticado's post, not only do you have to eat fruits and veggies, but also some other food as well. it pays to get a balanced diet me pals. a mixed amount (and correct amount) of food with different essential substances can make our body healthy and strong :))) always and i mean ALWAYS eat well. you don't want to get all sickly and tired and go ahead -- you know what i mean :) if you think you're going overweight or you already are, it's either you bask in what you have or change. if you are proud of who you are, then go :)))) but do take care of your body kids xD ARE YOU WILLING TO TAKE CHANCES AND STAY OBESE? OR ARE YOU GONNA STAY LIKE IT? goodluck bebehs xD

  37. Still, I guess I must eat the right kind of foods even if I'm not obese. I must still be careful on what I'm eating and I'll try not to eat more when I'm stressed out or angry.

    @Yo'mama: Thanks for this wonderful article:) This really helps.

    @Ms. Marturillas: Don't be too down and hard on yourself. Ms. Remeticado is right! Discipline is the key! And always believe that you can remove those excess fats with hardwork and perseverance:)

  38. @ms.Roferos: we're actually the same! ;)
    i also eat a lot as in but then i don't get fat that easily.. for me one reason is that i even defecate everyday..hehe. ;D

  39. @ms traces, i cn see that youve been warning obese people regarding their health, i thnk its also time for you to cntrol your food intake too, by control i mean eat more, hehee.i agree with u that its nt easy to gain weight [not from persnal exp. since i easily gain weight whch really is my problem by the way. but fortunately im n the normal range.] but i thnk u should make a move regardng ths issue of ur health especially knowing that you have hyperacidity, then with this, you'll be hitting 2 birds with one stone. :)

  40. i agree with the people above.. eating the right kinds of food makes your body healthy and well..
    Obesity experts suggest that a key to preventing excess weight gain is monitoring fat consumption rather than counting calories, and the National Cholesterol Education Program maintains that only 30% of calories should be derived from fat.

  41. @Ms. alpuerto: that's where we're goin' to part ways ms. 'cause i don't defecate everyday as in literally everyday. I usually defecate every after 2 days but my physician says it's normal. It depends on the person's habit :D

  42. @ms roferos: good for u, most of the teenage girls would r really want that, including me.haha i think it has something to do with your metabolism or genes.hehee.

  43. Hey, if "morbidly" obese persons can't lose weight by themselves, might as well hire personal fitness instructor. It will be a great help, i guess :D

  44. @ms roferos, i was talking about d eating part by the way, not the latter comment.hehee

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  46. @Ms. Roferos: Yeah, it has something to do on your metabolism. Lucky for u, your metabolism rate is fast.
    We must just remember that proper nutrition can make the difference between feeling great and feeling just okay.
    Basically, if we eat right everyday we'll not only look better, we'll feel better too!

  47. @Ms. Pantorilla and Intong: maybe i metabolize faster than you. Maybe it's the genetic factor too. haha And i wanted my body just the way it is. I'm absolutely contented. :DD

  48. Luckily I cannot relate to this article. I am obviously normal. A big thanks to Yo Mama for sharing this information not just to me but for all of us here. I can share this article to my family, friends and etc.

    To all fat people out there, please reduce some weight coz I met a guy who is one of you guys in a jeepney. Guess what??? He selfishly take up extra space comfortably while I had a hard time to breath!

    Thumbs up for the monster from the movie STAR WARS!!!!

  49. aLoha Guys! I'm counting, 3 of the people here are overweight! (i can't say they're MORBIDLY OBESE, coz' that's upsetting! and maybe impossible, hehe) I know how it feels right?

    Ms. Carcallas, why would you accept the truth when you can MANIPULATE it, without being busted in the court? Just try to be OPEN-MINDED. You should have encouraged Ms. Concepcion to eat a lot instead. You too should try it yourself. :)

    Ms. Miñoza, give it a try girl! just do it while you're still that conscious :) so you can see the difference in the next GROWING years!

  50. Ahahahah, YOW! Mr. Amil! you really had your situation discussed comprehensively! as in, haha VERY PRACTICAL! Obese people compromise the lives of normal people too. haha. SO ThERe! we're not completely safe! (NOrmAl KiDs!) :))

  51. 18.1kg/m² , I'm underweight. But I'm not sure of my weight, the last time I checked it was 99.2 pounds and that was so last year, tengenengeneng! Data invalid, yay! Hahahaha I started to eat a lot ever since I entered college, and I'm confident I gained weight. So my weight is normal…probably. I find @Ms.Li’s comment helpful, about the complications of being underweight.

    So I'm not really into the "CLOSELY monitored diet and exercise" thing, it's tiring. I eat whatever I want, and as soon as I notice my belly looking like a muffin or a cupcake, I exercise big time. I admit that I’m conscious about my body but unlike others, I don’t deprive myself from eating. I don’t want to be obese because I’d have to face a lot of complications. And I’d rather deal with disciplining myself as early as now, than deal with complications later on. If I’ll be obese, I’ll probably be too lazy to care.

  52. I am underweight which is very sad. I would really like to gain weight but not too much. Haha. As Ms. Suarez has said, being underweight has it's own consequences and so is being overweight or obese. This article made me see that it's important to keep your BMI within the normal range. For the obese people out there, start losing weight 'kay? And for us underweight people, we have to eat more food!! And for the people with normal weight, maintain it. You're lucky ;))

  53. sooo sad! haha last tym i went above a weighing scale was last eek but last tym i calculated my bmi was during 4t year hs.------> and as expected, OBESE...class 3... :(( oh well that's life...now i don't want to know anymore...cause it might get even bigger...oh no!

    good for you people who are normal...but miss traces..don't be sad its better to be underweight than being overweight...its sooo easy to gain weight...but t would take years what you ate in months...

    there was even a study once that a group of researchers paid a bodybuilder to eat whatever he wants for 3 months without doing any exercise to burn it....but then after 3 months...the researchers told him to lose weight already but guess what?-----> he gained back his last weight after 2 years...sooo be happy miss traces...

    im soo glad there is mr. Gervacio that i can confine in...:)) at least im not alone :)

    thank you once again yo mama...for another eye opener( sarcastic) *jowkkk...:))

  54. I'm in the NORMAL CURVE. haha. just don't mind the baby fats. lol. anyways, being underweight or obese will not do you any good. we should maintain equilibrium to stay healthy and be happy! :DD

    #lovelots :**

  55. Ms. Osias: Count me bai! I'm lazy too! haha We're very confident indeed!

  56. i agree with miss Bispo about her thoughts on gaining and losing weight. yes, sometimes, life is really unfair. it's very easy to gain weight, like, just eat lunch in a fast food chain everyday for two weeks, then voila! you can now get your result. BUT, if you want to lose weight, you need to exert TRILLIONS of efforts for you to have the best result ever, sacrifice and a lot more. pheew! nonetheless, if you're really motivated to do that, everything will be easier though. :))

    #lovelots <3


    still, i used to feel heartburns occasionally i think that my heart's surrounded by fats already. but now im in control, with proper diet, exercise and consultation of my pediatrician. all is well!

    no worries! :)

    WAIT @Suarez, does being overweight cause hairloss too? im kinda experiencing it these days. but manageable. scarrrryyy. help!

  58. Geezzz, I always am very concious in computing my BMI because I never was interested in taking my HEIGHT (low self-esteem? uhuh.) Anyways, nice article yo mama..really influenced me to give it a try! :)

    18.6, ok. nice one. just a point above the midline of normality and being underweight. HAHA not so bad though, I guess I'm not too contented with this level.
    With lots of stressors around me, I know I have a great chance of slipping down towards abnormality! HAHA

    @Ms. Li and Ms.traces: being undderweight isn't a very difficult problem! Food isn't the only remedy. Perhaps, try doing some exercise like :ZUMBA and increase your muscle tone. muscles could also contribute to our body mass and weight,you know? :))

    @Ms.Carcallas: are you really sure you want ms. concepcion to just stick to that sad reality of hers? Ohhh..I guess it's a very ineffective suggestion. Ignoring the problem could only worsen it..but if that's what you think is the best choice then, i respect your opinion.

    To all those who are obese, don't ever give up guys! Yo mama really has good weight loss tips for you...try scanning his articles and it would indeed help you with your adipose burdens. :))

  59. I took the BMI calculation link too and guess what? 24.2 kg/m2... normal range though, but (arrgh) I’m slipping really badly to the overweight range. I guess I really have to watch myself from now on because I really don’t like to have weight problems and all the consequences that go with it. Ms. Gabiana has a point it’s really hard to lose weight than gaining it. But there are really people who worry themselves because they just can’t gain weight! I wish I have the same problem…and not the other way around. In totality I’m just still relieved that I’m not morbidly obese. :D

    @Ms. Bispo: It is still not too late… If you’re really worried, then try using those weight loss articles by yo mama. :D Stay strong…

  60. Just calculated my BMI and fortunately the result i've got was normal ...yehey for me..
    I felt relief and i never thought I would be so anxious getting my BMI.

    @Ms. Bispo:
    btw, Glad to know you are aware of your actual health status. i mean, recognizing ones health is necessary before you decide to begin losing weight,if ever you're planning to.why? because you would never be effective in achieving your goal on losing weight if you still deny the fact that you are obese and necessary actions should be done to your health unless you want to stay like that forever.regretting one day the wasted time given by our Almighty Father.

    Better be saying: Yes I am fat.I know Iam fat,so what, if I'm fat and obese.I am not like any other fat people there, I clearly know I need to lose weight. Because I know, it is good for my health and for myself.

    just wondering how are you feeling right now after knowing your current BMI?

  61. ms. niala: haha! having low self-esteem when it comes to height huh? haha. yeah! i could really relate with that but i'm still thankful though that i have a normal BMI. haha. not bad. :))

    ms. bispo: don't be too pessimistic about yourself having chances of losing weight because you're still young. you still have the possibility on having the BMI that you've always wished for. though it's true that it is easier to gain than losing weight but you just have to be patient and be more aware about your diet and daily activities. just believe in yourself that you can. ok? :)

  62. What a relief because i really thought i belong to the category of overweight but unfortunately I'm as good as a normal person. :)) By the way I want to appreciate the effort of Yo'Mama for this informative article for it is very useful not only to me but also to my entire family and relatives which is also experiencing this condition (Obesity and Morbidly obese).

    @Ms. Carcallas, I guess we should always take note of the matters that can affect us whether it's small or big for we might not know what are the possible consequences or threats that it can do to our body.We should always be mindful of all the things that is happening not only to our surroundings but also to the effect that it can bring in our lives such as the situation of Ms Conception in which she is considered as an underweight person but still we can put a remedy to it through proper diet which can make her gain weight. :))

  63. @Ms Marturillas, there are still other stress relievers other than eating a lot of food (because you usually gain weight through eating plenty of foods) like playing music during your commute, laughing together with your friends, yoga, reading books (esp. pocket books hahha) and etc. as for me when I'm stressed I do usually sleep because it can help me relax my mind and forget my stress. :))

    I hope this might help you :)

  64. ms. salera: whoa! it was such a relief! i was really expecting to become overweight since i felt really stressed and i usually eat a lot for a number of times daily. hehe. i was amazed (i guess?) hahaha. but anyway, to those who are worried about their BMI, just be positive about life. always remember that there is a time for everything. you just have to enjoy life while we are still young and change for the better and heathier way. :))

  65. I really find it hard to relate since I’m not obese (BUT people often think otherwise because I’m too thin daw GRRRRRRRR) I’m glad since I am not at risk of developing those health problems that comes together with obesity. BUT, we should never be confident about it. Instead, we should strive to improve it by watching our diet and doing a lot of exercise.

    To ms. Traces and ms. Roferos:
    We have the same sentiments. i too, find it hard to gain weight even thought I eat a lot.

    I guess, the point of this article is for us to pay attention to our BMI which determines our state of wellness. what do you think huuuuuu?

  66. well i can say im an obese person.. gosh!! i dont know how to react but im happy though.. well i agree with sierg that we are the ones who are accountable on the food we intake in our body,.. so before that.. i wanna say something to ms. cerna.. well miss cerna actually being an obese is not bad.. maybe for you its bad.. because when you get fat the more you feel tired right? actually when i look at you i think you really need to eat more vegetables and fruits not because your thin but because when i look at you you seem like your always sleepy...

    for you guys out there dont worry of being an obese,, because an obese is not that bad.. :) dont waste your time,... eat when you still live.. :)

  67. Maybe, weight has something to do with our metabolism. But I think, gluttony too has something to do with it.

    I admit, I do eat even though I'm still full because of the thought that i'll gain weight. Yes, I did gain weight but? I really forgot that it is a big NO NO! GLUTTONY IS A SIN! waaaaaaaa! whatta mistake!

    Yeah Ms. Intong, to have a better look and a better feeling? For me, eat the proper food, eat at the proper place and eat at the proper timing, not only today but also in the future! :)

  68. well, thanks to Yo Mama once again, well, Obesity.. hmmm.. I really cant say nothing more, I just think that our weight really depends on how we handle our food habits, enough exercise and being aware of the things that might affect us. :)

    @MS.CARCALLAS: i kinda disagree with your first comment, WHAT'S THE PURPOSE OF POSTING THIS ARTICLE IF WE WON'T LEARN FROM IT? Do you mean that all we need to do is JUST PLAINLY READING it, and tadaaaa, nothing, gained nothing and learned nothing? I just think it should be the other way around, let the article dig in and be affected about it. :)

    @MS.COCNCEPCION: being underweight isn't that bad, maybe it's just a signal for you to eat more than what you always have, it really depends on you. But if you're comfortable w/ it, why not? But always remember that being normal is the borderline, it strengthens the systems in your body for it to function well :)

    @MS.TANGUB and MR.GERVACIO: salute! :)i totally agree with you, it's just that you're honest enough to reveal that you're one of those they obese or whatsoever (peace). Maybe you just really enjoy food, my dad is obese and he didnt ever regret on enjoying food when he still lived, maybe, let's just try to be careful on the food choices, being quite heavy has it's own consequences. :)

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. Ms. Padigos: so based on what you've stated...i can say that what you're saying is to believe in something that is not true?...we can't just run away from the truth..we'll just have have to face it ..and if can no longer do something, WE'LL JUST ACCEPT THE TRUTH.. on Ms. Concepcion's case, she cannot eat too much for if she does, she'll just vomit it. so, If she'll force herself, What will happen? ...she will just vomit and vomit...what's the point in doing such thing if it's effect is just the same?...so?

  71. Ms. Carcallas, I did not say that it's not true, okay? All i'm saying is WE CAN STILL CHANGE THE TRUTH FOR A BETTER TRUTH. Your understanding is too shallow, eating too much is not the solution of changing Ms. Concepcion's status, I MEAN, she can have extra nutrients in a minimum amount of food. OKAyY??

  72. yO.mAma i miSs that caterpillar frOm Alice in WonderLand!!!! obEsity is frequently rising up its nO. nowadays recruiTing new members arOund the world; different races....yO.mama is letting us see hOw OBESITY can really affect our entire life and other people around us sO I agree with all yAh pOsitive cOmments up there and on the negative side try nOt to buRn up the cOmment box of this bLog.....tHAnksss a lot agAin yO.mAma!!!! ^_____^


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