As we always hear it, breakfast is definitely the most important meal of the day. But, many people overlook the importance of breakfast to our system. Some people opt to go to work with empty stomach. Some take breakfast by drinking a cup of hot coffee only. Others just buy some burgers or hash browns in fast food chains. With our busy lifestyle, breakfast can only interlude in our scheduled activities for the day.
Aside from hectic schedule that even eating breakfast can’t fit into, there are also other reasons why most people don’t appreciate the importance of taking breakfast every day. Admit it or not, we prefer to sleep a little later than preparing breakfast. With this, we believe that taking brunch, which is a combination breakfast and lunch is a better option. Sometimes, we need to rush, get the kids off to school or simply forget to take breakfast. Another reason which is common to dieters is the belief that skipping breakfast can lose weight quickly.
For all you know, when morning comes our digestive system has already finished digesting whatever we ate last night. If at 7 a.m. we haven’t taken our breakfast yet, then our stomach has been empty for the last 11 hours after the last meal. Even when it’s empty, the stomach muscles still continues to work as it is involuntary. Then, try to imagine, what would it digest? Well, it’s nothing else but your stomach lining. Worst, with an empty stomach till afternoon, it will surely backfire on us.
As we sleep, the body passes through a period of starvation for almost 12 hours. After this period, the body needs to refuel in order to compensate this. Therefore, taking breakfast halts the starvation period. It’s a vital activity before starting your hectic day. Breakfast fuels up the energy and sustains us for the activities of the day. Full breakfast is even recommended for those who are engaged in more physical activity.
If you are on a weight loss program, skipping breakfast is definitely a no-no. In fact, it is required to eat breakfast so as to avoid overeating at lunch. Lack of breakfast will only inhibit hunger pains which may lead to uncontrolled cravings that might lead to weight gain. It kicks up metabolism process to a higher level, too. Breakfast every morning will help avoid fatigue, headache, sluggishness and nausea. It also boosts mental alertness and increases the energy needed for the day.
Similarly, we can also take breakfast as a great chance for losing more weight. Aside from all the mentioned above, breakfast can also lose more weight when foods are healthy and organic. It’s necessary that during breakfast foods are balanced which simply means that there should be carbohydrate, protein, fiber and no fat.

When losing weight, breakfast is considered as one of the secret methods to continue weight loss. Skipping your breakfast may only lead to becoming overweight.
You wake up to see that the sun has already risen. In a blink of an eye, you are wide awake and getting ready to leave the house to get to work. Then you notice that you are hungry, but since you are already running late, you decide to just skip breakfast and rush out to get to your office to avoid being late any further. When you get there, you drink a cup of coffee instead, because there is too much work to be done and you feel that there is no time to eat.
ReplyDeleteBreakfast is the most important meal of the day. It “breaks” the “fast” that you underwent when you were asleep. Even when we are asleep and the stomach is empty, it will still continue to work. With nothing to digest, the stomach “eats up” the stomach lining which will do no good to you.
If you want to lose weight, it is advisable that you eat a lot of breakfast. This will not only sustain you by giving you energy for the whole day, this will also stop the uncontrolled cravings that lead to overeating and weight gain. Rest assured, the food that you eat during breakfast, no matter how many, will be digested by the end of the day.
Breakfast can help you lose weight (when it is organic and healthy), and help you avoid headache, fatigue, sluggishness and nausea. Breakfast food should have protein, fiber, carbohydrate and no fat. It would be good to eat refined foods instead of processed and instant food because this contains more nutrients. Tea, cereal, fruit slices and juices are just some of the many food one can enjoy during breakfast.
A healthy reminder: Never skip breakfast. Always find time to eat so that you would be able to get through the day without any problems when it comes to your body and how you feel.
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ReplyDeleteBreakfast refuels and gives energy to my human body.It is definitely true for me that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.I won't leave the house without breakfast even if I will be late on my class.Now I know the facts about breakfast because of this article and reason why my mother won't allow me to go to school without breakfast..This enables me to do my daily activities but sometimes the foods that I prepare for breakfast are not enough and just eat more in lunch.
ReplyDeleteI can’t really imagine the fact that when I sleep,I am starving for almost 12 hours.Lack of breakfast will also inhibit hunger pains and can cause ulcer.This fact helped me realized how important the breakfast is.I will now try my best to a healthy breakfast to avoid being ill.Thanks for thi article because it gives me more knowledge.
Whoah, thank you for those really long comments. I appreciate your insights and I hope this article has helped you one way or the other. :)
ReplyDeleteEating breakfast gives you a mental advantage. When you start off your day, your body needs fuel. “Glycogen stores start to deplete. If you haven’t had any food, by lunch you’ll start to feel fatigued,” says Kraus, adding that cognitive studies, particularly on children, tell us what happens if you don’t eat — you lose focus and concentration as well as the ability to think and problem-solve.
ReplyDeleteOne study that tracked nearly 10,000 young people from adolescence into their twenties found that not only did skipping breakfast lead to being overweight, but people who missed out on their morning meal also increased their eating at fast food restaurants, and both unhealthy behaviors caused them to gain weight.
If you really don't like to eat breakfast, you can split it up into two smaller meals. Eat a hard boiled egg at home, and an hour or two later, take a break from work and snack on an apple and a handful of healthy foods.
Try this simple experiment. Eat one or two servings of fresh fruit every morning for the next three weeks. Eat as many different kinds as you can find.
And remember, Health is by Choice...not by chance! The choice is yours. You don’t have to be a statistic. By adopting a better diet and wiser lifestyle habits, you can live longer, feel better, and enjoy a healthier, more productive life.
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ReplyDeleteI strongly agree to Ms. Elisha,Ms. Li and Ms. Concepcion that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It gives strength to your body for you to be able to endure with your daily activities. I always eat my breakfast even though I eat so slow in the morning. Its true that skipping your breakfast doesn't help in losing your weight because you will be eating a lot during lunch time which is not already part of your plan. I believe that its better to have a breakfast than to have lunch and dinner because as you can see our body is digesting even if we are asleep. Its power that gives you the strength to survive the whole day. So, eat your breakfast!
ReplyDeleteI don't really think that breakfast is that important because I usually don't eat my breakfast yet I don't feel weak. For me, as long as you eat the right kind of foods regardless of what time you take them,it won't affect your daily activities.Anyway,it's just my opinion =](no offense)...
ReplyDeleteAs what Ms. Li, Elisha and Concepcion said taking breakfast is important. It gives us energy throughout the day in order to perform our daily tasks since our digestive system has been working all night while we are asleep. It is not also true that skipping meals especially breakfast helps someone to lose weight but in contrary it drives a person to eat more because of empty stomach. As far as I know, breakfast is MORE important than dinner because we perform a lot of activities during day time, which means we need more energy. However this is not practiced by some Filipinos. They tend to prepare foods during dinner rather than breakfast due to lack of time: might be late for school or work. Even I sometimes skip breakfast so that I won't be late for school. But I suffered the consequences. I was not able to concentrate and understand the topic's discussion due to empty stomach. That is why I advise everyone to take their breakfast if you don't want to suffer the consequences!
ReplyDeleteI actually believe that breakfast is important. Trust me when I say not eating breakfast is painful. You see, I have experienced hyper acidity, which is by the way one of the effects of not eating breakfast. Instead of digesting and breaking down the food in the stomach its digesting the stomach lining itself. It really is so painful. So I really suggest that you all eat breakfast. Breakfast is also the most important meal of the day. It actually supplies us energy for the whole morning and it fills our stomach from the 11 hours of hunger it has been through. I believe in the saying that goes, "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a pauper."
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ReplyDeleteyou don't feel weak even though you don't eat your breakfast because we still have reserved fats, carbs and proteins in our body in which it is converted to glucose to produce ENERGY! :)
#just stating aa fact! :>
If you want to lose weight, don't skip breakfast. If you skip it, you will only crave for more during lunch thus making you gain weight even more. Your stomach starves for 12 hours and if it's still empty for 5 more hours, you might feel pain because your stomach will digest your stomach lining instead of the food you should have taken 5 hours earlier. But make sure also that what you eat during breakfast is healthy. Eat something nutritious, not pre-processed food nor instant like instant noodles. Skipping breakfast isn't healthy and will definitely not help you lose weight, fact.
ReplyDeleteI'm not against what this article is saying, I agree about everything even. But if I'm going to talk about what I think my body needs, I still think that getting more sleep is more important for my body. I'd rather skip breakfast than skip an hour of sleep because I can't seem to operate or work properly without enough sleep. I sleep late because I'm busy, and I need sleep to function properly the next day. Breakfast at 9 am is fine with me, I don't have any problems with my stomach. I'm not on a weight loss program either, I actually want to gain weight (by eating nutritious but still delicious food of course). So I still think that the importance of breakfast is up to what a person needs.
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ReplyDeleteI do agree with Elisha but let us not forget our lesson in Anatomy. We actually get our carbs from the breakfast we eat. And the by product of proteins are nitrogenous substances that include urea, uric acid and ammonia. Fats and lipids by product are ketones that give us acidic effect, thus hyper acidity and stomach ache.
ReplyDeleteOn my perception, eating breakfast is really important to supply energy to start your day. Others may don't need it because for them they are fine, but we may all have the same body but we don't have the same metabolic rate and condition of our body. For those people with fast metabolism, they really need to eat for their body to produce glucose for the production of energy. :)
ReplyDeleteA part of me agrees with Kyzza Gielle Ganir. I have experienced a lot of times where i wake up, take a bath, and immediately brush my teeth without consuming any food (breakfast). I actually survived high school, doing this as a routine. I even know a lot of people who do the same. But yes, i guess it would only depend on one's tolerance in not having anything inside their stomach so early in the morning. So if you do a lot of physical activities, it would be advisable to eat breakfast. But even though your body can tolerate 10, 11, 12, or 13 hours (or more) of starvation, it is still advisable for you to eat your breakfast ESPECIALLY IF YOU'RE A STUDENT! YES, YOU!!. This helps in our overall learning process. Since we have a busy time in school where we not only learn different subjects but also indulge in extracurricular activities. Doing these activities, we need energy which comes from glucose that breakfast provides. Moreover, eating breakfast regularly also helps in weight management which can reduce the risk of child obesity which has become a common problem in recent times due to unhealthy eating habits. After entering college, i had a few migraines because i was too lazy to eat my breakfast. And, I wouldn't want to risk having gastritis ever again.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the article. :)
@KyzzaGielleGanir Yes, I also think that breakfast is not that important, but for some people only. Some people can't go on without eating breakfast and some people can. I think it's really up to what the person needs. I'm not saying it's not important, it is. And as much as possible, don't skip it.
ReplyDeleteI agree too, France. If we don't eat something, we can't take carbs, and without carbs,there's no glucose,and if there's no glucose,there will be hungry cells on your body and there is nothing to be used for metabolism, you may suffer from hyper acidity because even though you have stored fats, it's not enough to bu used to produce energy and reduce your hunger.
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ReplyDeleteAs per advice by the doctor,we should never miss a single meal.It means we should eat three times a day,breakfast,lunch and supper.In fact,breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it will make your day going.However,breakfast may be light or heavy provided it is balanced.It gives us the energy and sustains us for the activities of the day.It also helps us avoid fatigue.,headache,sluggishness and nausea.It also boosts mental alertness and increases energy needed for the day.
ReplyDeleteTherefore,do not overlook the importance of breakfast in you life if you want to stay healthy.
Some people are too busy to prepare breakfast because they are in a hurry going to work or school early in the morning. But breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It provides energy needed to start your day right. It also satisfies your hunger. Breakfast is a good investment because it recharges our brain and our body. Studies show that children who eat a good breakfast perform better in school and think better. Eating breakfast could also help students like me to be active during lecture. That is why it is better to skip lunch or dinner if you are on a diet, but never your breakfast.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was still in high school,I always believe that breakfast is the most important meal in a day. Maybe it's because my mother won't allow me to go to school with my stomach empty. So when I entered college, I always make it sure that I can always have a breakfast, but as time goes by, maybe because of my laziness to wake up early, I tend to skip my breakfast. So, until now, I still don't eat breakfast, but how come that I can still concentrate with my studies specially now that our first subject is anatomy? I guess, my body is already used to what and when I eat my meals. Eating brunch is already my habit. It's not that I'm opposing the author's perception, but i strongly agree to Ms. Ganir, that as long as when you eat your meals, as long as your body works properly, northing's wrong. Anyway, this is just my opinion. :)
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ReplyDeleteI really believed that breakfast is very important because like Ms. Ganir, I have this habit before to go to school without having my breakfast. As we grow and enter adolescence, we couldn’t deny having insecurities in our body. Yes, I am one of those teenagers, who really struggle to have a perfect body, actually, until now, I am still struggling. I am a member of those people the article is pointing out about having this notion, that skipping breakfast would help lessen your weight. I have done that for about 5 months I think and as I did that routine, I notice that my performance in school is not that good compared to before and my focus is redirected to something. Know what? I am not anymore focusing on the lesson being taught but I am thinking and thinking of time – Lunch time. That’s the time when my parents got worried and discovered what I am doing. My mother told me that it is not good to skip breakfast because of all the meals, it is the most essential meal. My cousin also who is a nursing student at that time, told me of its effects on your mental capabilities and instead of helping me loss weight it will actually make me eat a lot more. I am glad that somebody shared an article so that people, specifically teenage girls, would not do the same thing as what I did. They will be inform ahead of time of its consequences.
ReplyDeleteI do not go to school without eating breakfast even when I am running very,very late because I find it very hard to concentrate during classes with an empty stomach, don’t we all? It makes me tired and lethargic. Also, when you miss your breakfast you have a higher tendency to overeat for the rest of the day. You tend to crave for the unhealthy snacks like burgers from the kiosk, waffle from manong outside cnu, junk foods and the like. So this is for those who are weight conscious: if you don’t want to gain extra weight do not skip your breakfast. Even though you don’t skip breakfast, it is important to choose the right food to eat during this meal. Coffee and sugar loaded cereals are not adequate. After this unhealthy breakfast, you are left feeling tired and hungry again and in need of another quick sugar fix.
ReplyDeleteBut really, i think it depends on the individual. if he/ she still has energy to go through the day without breakfast, well good for him/her. but as for me, i prefer to take my breakfast. thank you.
as what Ms. Osias has brought out, I have this issue since I enetered college of what to prioritize. Sleep or Breakfast. These two really is a confusion since as a college student time really is precious and every minute is very important. I think this article cleared up my mind and stick out to breakfast instead. What's your stand guys on SLEEP vs. BREAKFAST?
ReplyDelete@FRANCES MAE TRACES: not only does it give us hyper acidity or stomach ache due to the acidic effect ketones give us, we also have high chances of experiencing migraine or extreme headaches since skipping meals lower the body's blood sugar levels.
ReplyDeleteI definitely agree with you Ms.Ma.Agnes Selloria!
ReplyDeleteMany people try not to mind the importance of taking breakfast every morning before doing there daily tasks. This article will make them aware that in a way what they keep on doing will make them at risk. Taking breakfast is important to refuel our body to be ready in our day to day works.It will help us gain energy for us to be mentally and physically alert. We can experience fatigue,headache,nausea and even worst than this if we keep on skipping our breakfast. In eating breakfast, we must also consider foods that will help us gain nutrients and minerals.Knowing all this facts, it will lead us to a more productive life with a healthy fit body. :))
I too, when I started going to college, changed my routine. Instead of eating, I used my time a lot at sleeping because I usually sleep late at night, but still, I find ways to eat breakfast before going to school.
ReplyDeleteI am just so guilty of the facts stated above. Though I know for a fact that breakfast IS the most important meal of the day, personally, I honestly just feel at ease even though I skip this meal. Maybe because I've been doing it a lot and it's habit-forming.
ReplyDeleteDuring those first few times I've been passing up on breakfast, I noticed the hunger pangs that bothered me all throughout the day. My thoughts were not racing as they usually were, and yes, I felt sluggish. But after a while, I got the hang of it and my body seemed to respond and adapt to the changes in my routine. Actually, I'm more comfortable right now with what I'm doing. Different strokes for different folks as they say.
So you see, it's about what works for you. I'm not against your usual bacon, eggs and bread in the A.M. - it's better if you take in something for your body. But I've been through days without even a sip of coffee to get me going. And for now, it works for me.
@kathlyn tan: i believe that sleep is as essential as breakfast. But you have to get enough sleep at home because it's hard to 'kawat' sleep in school because of the schedule. with breakfast on the other hand, you can grab a quick breakfast from the school's cafeteria.
ReplyDeleteFor several years, i always try my best not to skip breakfast no matter how busy my schedule is (char). It's not that just I get used to eating in the morning but also I learned since I was a child that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Nutrition experts referred to breakfast as the most important meal of the day, citing studies that find that people who skip breakfast are disproportionately likely to have problems with concentration, metabolism, and weight.This is due to your body fasting for 6–9 hours the night prior, and one would need to break the fasting. But some of us teenagers are body weight conscious, why? It's because we feel confident and happy whenever someone complements us like, "wow, sexyha nimu oy", "nindota nimu oy, wa jud kay bilbil". And honestly the first thing you think of on how to lose weight easily is to skip a meal, mostly breakfast since provided that some of us just don't have the time, or otherwise, di lang jud nila feel mukaon kay sayo pas buntag, ryt? So, reading the article, I strongly agree to the Blogger, Ms. Li, Ms. Abdales, Ms. Traces and all others that agreed that breakfast is important.
ReplyDeleteAs what i've read from other articles, majority of from several countries like Denmark, Greece, Cuba, United States and Canada prefer to have breakfast for them to have enough supply of energy that can be carried out throughout the day.
Thank you :)
For several years, i always try my best not to skip breakfast no matter how busy my schedule is (char). It's not that just I get used to eating in the morning but also I learned since I was a child that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Nutrition experts referred to breakfast as the most important meal of the day, citing studies that find that people who skip breakfast are disproportionately likely to have problems with concentration, metabolism, and weight.This is due to your body fasting for 6–9 hours the night prior, and one would need to break the fasting. But some of us teenagers are body weight conscious, why? It's because we feel confident and happy whenever someone complements us like, "wow, sexyha nimu oy", "nindota nimu oy, wa jud kay bilbil". And honestly the first thing you think of on how to lose weight easily is to skip a meal, mostly breakfast since provided that some of us just don't have the time, or otherwise, di lang jud nila feel mukaon kay sayo pas buntag, ryt? So, reading the article, I strongly agree to the Blogger, Ms. Li, Ms. Abdales, Ms. Traces and all others that agreed that breakfast is important.
ReplyDeleteAs what i've read from other articles, majority of from several countries like Denmark, Greece, Cuba, United States and Canada prefer to have breakfast for them to have enough supply of energy that can be carried out throughout the day.
Thank you :)
@Jimeica Minoza
ReplyDeleteI agree with you! Everything changed, from my sleeping to eating habit. But as much as possible, I avoid skipping meals because I don't want to be less concentrated on my studies because of empty stomach like what I experienced months ago.
Eating breakfast is really important for me because I am a kind of person who gets tired fast. So when I skip my breakfast I get bored easily and tend to yawn a lot. Breakfast is the ''fuel'' that you need to make various of activities especially during daytime. So when you start your day with a good breakfast it boosts your energy, increases your attention span, heightens your sense of well-being and you’ll be in better control of your emotions.
ReplyDeleteI was impressed by Ms. Ganir's comment because even though she doesn't take her breakfast she doesn't feel weak! Maybe she has a reservoir full of energy or something. :}
I agree to Arielle Joy that we tend to crave for unhealthy snacks when we don't take breakfast. We tend to like all the foods we see despite of everything.Eating breakfast is really important. I don't go to school without even eating a little. My grandmother really sees to it that I 'll eat breakfast, which is really helpful. I have seen a television show where they discuss about meals especially breakfast and how important it was especially to children."Studies show that children who eat a good breakfast do better in school than children who do not."- Murphy, M.
ReplyDeleteI guess if we really prioritize breakfast and eat on time, we would be able to appreciate the benefits of eating the most important meal of the day.:)
@Stephanie Dayne Cerna: Yup, and honestly, I just feel so lazy at times to incorporate breakfast in my routine. The demands of school and at home are just so great. Some people just have different perceptions about the importance of breakfast, as for me, I believe that it's all about how comfortable you are with what your doing. Because what is forcing yourself to skip breakfast even though you know that you can't take any more hours with an empty stomach? :)
ReplyDeletei also agree to Ms. tan that similarly, breakfasts and sleep are the most essential tools for us to have energy w/in the day. Since, its not anytime that we could go out from our classroom and grab some food to eat or otherwise, sleep in classes.
ReplyDeleteto Ms. Ganir: for me, maybe for some people, breakfast isn't that important because di dali ma'weak or you don't feel weak, but imagine the acids in your body and the continuous digestion that happens underneath,just like what sir lim said, there's a big possibility na i'digest imu own lining if wa na'y laing choice imu system.Dba mas scary? :)
Even though I ,myself, don't usually eat breakfast, I can really say that eating breakfast is an important ritual that we have to do every morning of our lives. Because you see eating breakfast gives us energy to start our day,finish all the things that we have to do and makes us not easily irritated by other things or other people. As for myself,I'll do my best to eat breakfast to lessen circumstances like this (getting irritated). ^.^
ReplyDeleteEven though I ,myself, don't usually eat breakfast, I can really say that eating breakfast is an important ritual that we have to do every morning of our lives. Because you see eating breakfast gives us energy to start our day,finish all the things that we have to do and makes us not easily irritated by other things or other people. As for myself,I'll do my best to eat breakfast to lessen circumstances like this (getting irritated). ^.^
ReplyDeleteI do agree with France… there is no any worse feeling that having a hyper acidity. In my case I would feel really dizzy, there that burning sensation in my stomach and at worst case scenario is the feeling of wanting to vomit but you just can’t because there nothing to vomit. The feeling SUCKS. That’s why I try my best not to stave myself, miss any meal or just eat on time. Skipping breakfast may work on some, like Kyzza but it just can’t work on me. Aside from making me fell like there’s a pouring of alcohol on a recent wound it just makes me crave more on the next meal (just like what Seth had wrote). It will surely ruin my diet…: DBreakfast is really do the most important meal of the day (like most of my classmates wrote). All I want to say is that, “Eat breakfast!” It doesn’t have to be a rice and viand. Three slices or pieces of bread (depending on the size) will do. Trust us when we say you won’t like developing hyper acidity.
ReplyDeleteEating breakfast is important. Id o know that. I have been told by my parents many, many times already that breakfast is important...never skip it. But due to time constraint and exhaustion from activities of the previous day, I don't want to get up early thus I tend to hurriedly change and swiftly go to the I forget my breakfast naturally.
ReplyDeleteAs a result from forgetting my breakfast, I can't concentrate at school which is a very essential thing to do when you are a NURSING student.
As ignorant I am of doing diets when I was still but a child, I used to believe that it was fine to skip breakfast and dinner believing that lunch was the most important part of the meal because it would take time to digest food and that lunch was in the middle. Sorry but I was a child.
Somehow as I was reading this article, I kind of drifted to our topic earlier in the subject anatomy. I thought of glycogen (stored energy in the liver), and how it would affect our body when you don't eat breakfast. So I kind of agree to what Frances Mae Traces in her earlier comment.
So to conclude my (very long) comment, NEVER capital NEVER skip breakfast. It's fine if you skip Lunch or Dinner as long as you ate in between and you ate your breakfast. But it would be better if you ate 3 meals in a day. Thanks!
I strongly agree with the author and most of the people that breakfast is really important. As Ms. Li has stated, it is "breaking" the "fast." For me, breakfast is really important. I have gone through most of my high school and the start of this school year without breakfast. I usually feel very tired and am not able to concentrate. Just recently, I decided not to skip breakfast anymore and I find it very helpful and energizes me throughout the day. Some people may be able to go through the day without breakfast, but not me. But I think it just depends on the individual if he/she is able to go on through the day without breakfast :)
ReplyDelete@kathlyn tan: I believe that sleep and breakfast are two important factors to be healthy. We can't really focus on our studies if we have an empty stomach and lack of sleep, we might faint in any minute then.We must really give importance to sleep because it's a necessity for our body.
ReplyDeleteso yeah. to the author - i'd really like to say thanks! i'm a breakfast person. i eat breakfast everyday, but i dont really see the importance of doing it. i eat breakfast though, not because i think i need it, but because i might get a sermon or two from my dad :) i actually don't know how i did it, but last christams vacay, i'd really skip breakfast (and lunch) so that means i only eat at most once a day. everytime i dont have school or something to do on a day, i actually don't eat. i'm abusing my body right? i know i am, not minding though. that's why i'd like to say thanks, because i got that kick in the behind that told me that i really, and i mean REALLY eat breakfast :))))) you can join me too, ms. Kyzza! hahaha. i should eat when i have to, and eat well. and i should eat healthier, and eat more organic stuff too. i'm not really into the whole weight losing thing, but i think this article - and blog, is really quite a help to those who are. good job! keep it up!
ReplyDeleteSo I think it really depends on the person's lifestyle. I live alone, I don't have my breakfast ready right after I wake up, I obviously don't have the time to cook, so I skip it instead. I can eat breakfast at school easily during our 9 am break, but I can't sleep at school because it's noisy (lots of people studying, memorizing, chanting anaphy terms early in the morning like a ritual's going on). So I choose sleep ;) But if you have your breakfast ready everyday, you're lucky (and I'm jealous),so there's no reason for you to skip it. Eat. :))
(wow, this online discussion is getting really long)
I never experience skipping breakfast during shool days but when it is summer and there are no classes I usually eat for what they called "BRUNCH".The combination of BREAKFAST and LUNCH.My mother won't let me go to school if I don't take my breakfast and sometimes that is the reason of our arguement.Thanks for this article,now I know the importance of breakfast and appreciate why my mother's advices about breakfast.;P
ReplyDeleteI agree with Kyzza.
ReplyDeleteBecause I am almost always late for school, i end up skipping breakfast. Despite this, I am still able to do my daily morning activities without any problem. Yes,my stomach grumbles sometimes, but it fades away after some time (maybe because of glycogenolysis...).
Though I understand that breakfast helps keep the stomach from eating its own lining, I'm just not the type of person who really cares about breakfast. I've been skipping breakfast since highschool, and I don't feel anything painful in my body.
If ever I do get headaches from not eating breakfast, I choose to sleep, just like Seth Osias. This is because sleep can make me not feel the pain and most importantly, I get to rest my body for what is to come in the afternoon.
In my opinion, Brunch is the most important meal of the day.
It's not easy to prepare breakfast on your own.When I reach highschool,I am already the who is preparing breakfast for me and my sister.It is sometimes the reason of my tardiness.
ReplyDeleteA meal is a meal and for what its worth, I say it's all the same. I strongly agree with this article's point. Breakfast is really important since it's one of the meals that provides us the energy we're gonna need for the entire day. To the people who know very well that I don't get to eat my breakfast every single day, you can call me a hypocrite. True, i miss breakfast most of the time especially when I'm running really late for school. But every time I get the opportunity to eat my breakfast, I grab it and fill my hungry stomach. But as a student, I think it's quite a blur to be able to eat regularly. In my case, I tend to get engrossed in school work since nursing is not an easy course.^^ For now, I'm still in the brink of making time for eating breakfast; trying to manage my time properly. But of course, if I have time and delectable dishes are prepared right before my very eyes, then why miss a meal? After all, food is irresistible, and in fact, very nutritious.
ReplyDeleteReally nice article by the way, tryin to let others know bout your site. I think it can really help a lot of people.
I agree with all the people that says breakfast is very important. We are able to be energized, stay alert because of breakfast. It can also help us in performing better in cognitive tests, according to the studies made. Right now, we really need to perform better in the tests that we have almost everyday.
ReplyDeleteI also agree with what Jasafe said that it depends on the person. If your body is already used to skipping breakfast, I think your body has already adjusted to it. But still, it can damage your body systems.
Unfortunately, not all of us are able to eat breakfast everyday because of our busy schedule and I know that most of us are living independently. And as what Quenie said, it is not easy to prepare breakfast on your own.
Guys, if you skip meals, especially every breakfast, you'll a receive a BIG price, it's either you'll get hungry later on which can gain you more weight or you'll get weak throughout the day and minor body pain follows. Since most of us reason out that getting into college is one of the reason why we skip breakfast due to tons of tasks to do, there's this thing called time management. you can eat while skimming or scanning your notes or while you're riding your car on your way to school. simple as that :)
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ReplyDeletei agree with this article, that breakfast is important in our lifestyle. its because sometimes when we skip breakfast, we feel so weak and sleepy, sometimes we cannot understand the lesson no more its because our mind focuses on the sounds in our tummy..
ReplyDeletewhen it comes to diet thing, we obese think that skipping breakfast is a good way on losing weight.. but actually it will gain us more weight its because when we feel that were hungry are tummy asking for food. or something that can be digest. well, for me its true.. why? because if we never take breakfast "mas mo grabeh atong kaon inig pani udto" thats why we gain weights
Hey guys. I totally agree to everybody's comments here and to the article too. Breakfast is really the most important meal of the day. But according to the opinions of Sharmaine and Kyzza, no offense, but I totally disagree. You may not feel any weakness, but you don't know that inside your stomach, it is already dying. I can agree more with Seth's opinion that as much as possible, we should not skip it. No matter how busy your morning may be, never forget to take in something to fill your stomach.
ReplyDeleteAs for me, I'm thankful because my parents put me in this dormitory where my breakfast is already prepared. I don't have to buy food early in the morning or the night before. But sometimes, I can skip my breakfast too. Especially when I wake up late. (HAHAHA) I skip it because I don't want to come to school, late. (Tired of replacements) Just now, I realized that it's not good. I feel weak every time I have skipped my breakfast. My stomach aches because all I can feel inside my stomach is air. And when I read the article, it scared me and challenged me more. I never thought that skipping breakfast could destroy my stomach. During my high school days, I can't remember one morning where I ate for breakfast. I just drink Milo every day. But now, as a college student, I will do my best not to skip my breakfast. It will sustain my body for the whole day activity if I can't eat the other meals on the right time. Thanks for this article for enlightening me more.
And yes, Seth is right too. It only depends on each individual's lifestyle but we should also be aware of the consequences it may give us.
For those who have skipped their breakfasts, you should buy food the night before. You could buy some bread and fruits. It will help you. :)
As much as possible, we should EAT. No matter what. As nursing students, we always have different tiring activities every day. And only breakfast, or "brunch" for some would keep us going. So, eat eat eat to avoid pain and weakness. :D
Ms. Rosales was right, like her, I can't afford to go to school with an empty stomach because it makes me feel really really weak and not at ease. For me, it is very important because it doesn't only gives us energy to perform our daily tasks but it also stimulates our brain to function well. Although some people can withstand having no breakfast at all, we must still remember that it is a need for our body. So here's a piece of advice: Start your day by giving your stomach something to work on. :)
ReplyDeleteNo offense taken. :) I don't think it's that bad to skip breakfast. I think the effects that happen in your body depends on how you are "used" to it.
Like people who could not afford to eat three meals a day, just one meal would be enough to sustain them until the next time they eat. Yet they are able to do their daily tasks without much problem.
BREAKFAST IS IMPORTANT! I agree with those who posted their comments that they can't afford to go to school without eating their breakfast. Skipping meals is a NO NO! Especially to those who have sensitive tummies like me. It will cause many effects on our body, and in the future, could lead to serious problems which can prevent us from achieving our goals. Oh no! Poor body!
ReplyDeleteOthers said, we should make our breakfast as a heavy meal because it will be the first meal that we'll be having in a day.
Again, skipping meals is a NO NO to avoid sickness! Let's be the nurse, not be the patient! :)
I totally agree to the article and to Seth Osias's recommendation of not to skip breakfast if possible, but due to the frantic schedule of college, some can't be able to do it anymore and I can attest myself to that. I know the consequences very well, but to my mentality, I don't want to bear the bottom line of being late in class either.
ReplyDeleteI know that just munching something up is not enough because i consider the fact that the accomplishments of the day's tasks depends on the most important meal of the day, it must be complete.
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ReplyDeleteI firmly believe that breakfast is really important since first of all its the first food that we usually take when we woke up early in the morning and as I know foods produce carbohydrates which by the way necessary for you to have energy through the form of ATP and without it your powerless since your brain cant process normally like me especially when i don't try eating breakfast.
ReplyDeleteAll i can say is that my mind is weak when I don't have my breakfast :).
I also believe that there are some people who don't have enough time to eat breakfast but then you must watch out for the consequence because it sometimes threatens life which can sometimes be dangerous than what you are expecting.
Yes! Some people resist their hunger but with clinical basis, their body must be having a lot of acidic wastes by now. Side effects are noticeable to people who are not making this a routine in mornings. So one should better be aware and mindful before things get worse. :)
ReplyDeleteI think of breakfast as a necessity. Breakfast is the fuel and our body is the car. Now what would the car be without the fuel? It would be useless; a burden in some ways, even.
ReplyDeleteI think it’s safe to say that when we chose to go to university, we were already well aware that it was packaged with late nights and early mornings, right? Therefore, we all knew from the start that sacrificing a few hours of sleep is inevitable. The only compromise we can get for lack of sleep is eating breakfast. This can at least give our body the energy to start the day.
Being “busy” is another reason why people skip breakfast and I think it is the most inexcusable excuse, ever-- no offense. Why? Because one of the most important lessons I have learned in life is that a true busy person has a time for everything.
I agree with Ms. Carnicer that breakfast is a necessity. It gives you the adequate energy needed for the body. As we all know, more energy is needed on morning since there are a lot of activities to be done. Likewise, never skip your breakfast so as to avoid any problems such as headache, nausea and others
ReplyDelete@Arielle Rosales: Well, I personally don't binge on unhealthy snacks whenever I miss breakfast. I still take the usual meals and I still feel full. I guess my body got used to it. :)
ReplyDeleteBreakfast is an essential part of our daily diet. It is where we take our energy for the whole day. So, i believe that skipping breakfast is a total no no!
ReplyDeletegreat post! very informative. I used to skip breakfast until I started working out to gain mass. I found that if i skipped breakfast I would be hungry the whole day regardless of whether I ate more later, so i would be playing catch up. It is important to eat breakfast to prevent further muscle breakdown because as you said you have not had an energy source for over 12 hours.
ReplyDeleteAfter a good night's sleep and with an empty stomach in the morning, it makes sense that the best way to start the day and to energize and revitalize your body, is with a filling, nutritious and healthy breakfast that will keep you satiated until the next meal.
ReplyDeleteOur body needs a healthy breakfast packed full of vitamins and nutrients whilst also providing energy and fuel for the brain. !!!!God Bless :)))